Sh2-231, Sh2-232, Sh2-233 and Sh2-235 emission nebulae, SHO
Sh2-231, Sh2-232, Sh2-233 and Sh2-235 emission nebulae are located in the constellation Auriga at an approximate distance of 5,900 ly from the Earth. These objects are associated with a giant molecular cloud, G174+2.15, in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way.
SH2-232, SH2-235, SH2-231 Emission Nebulas - AstroBin
The larger nebula in the center is SH2-232. It is sometimes referred to as The Great Pumpkin nebula. It is very faint and took over 11 hours of integration and could have used much more.
SH2-231 (Leo Shatz) - AstroBin
Sh2-231 Nebula. Sh 2-231 to Sh 2-235 form a complex of HII regions located together in the Perseus arm in the outer galaxy. This complex may be associated with an old (330 thousand years) supernova remnant.
Object: Sh2-231 & Sh2-233 - Waid Observatory
2024年1月12日 · The large nebula in the image is cataloged Sh2-231 and the small nebula is Sh2-233. They are located in the direction of the Auriga constellation at an approximate distance of 1800 parsecs [1] (⁓5,900 light-years) from the Earth. These objects are associated with a giant molecular cloud, G174+2.15 [1], in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way.
Sh2-232 Sh2-231 Sh2-233 Sh2-235 - waid-observatory.com
2018年1月5日 · They are from right to left, Sh2-232, the largest, Sh2-235, the brightest, Sh2-231, and 233, the smallest. These objects are all associated with a giant molecular cloud, G174+2.15, in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way. They are located in the direction of the Auriga constellation at an approximate distance of 5,900 light-years from the Earth.
SH2-231 (Sharpless 231)
SH2-231 is a third nebula from the left that is a part of a group in the constellation Auriga. It picks up very well with hydrogen-alpha and has some nice structure over all for a larger telescope. Also in the image is a small planetary nebulae in the heart of Sh2-232, the large one on the left.
Sharpless 231 + 2 + 3 + 5 - AT90EDT - Cloudy Nights
2013年3月27日 · Sharpless 231, 232, 233 and 235 are all located within a couple degrees of each other approximately 5,800 light-years away in Auriga. Sharpless 235, the brightest member, and probably the only one that can be seen visually, is located in the center of the picture. Sh2-231 is the small region to the right. Sh2-232 is the large region at the top ...
Sh2-232 (Great Pumpkin) with Sh2-235, Sh2-231, Sh2-233, and …
There 3 other nebulae in the frame (Sh2-235, Sh2-231, and Sh2-233; ordered from closest to Sh2-232 to the farthest away), as well as a planetary nebula (PK173+03.1) at the center of Sh2-232! There also is a misclassified planetary nebula, PK173+02.1 just below Sh-235, but it now appears to be an HII region (Sh2-235A) associated with Sh2-235.
Auriga East Nebulae: Sh2-232, Sh2-235, Sh2-231 and PK173+03.1
Infrared analysis using the Spitzer space telescope has found 86 young stellar objects within Sh 2-235. Sh 2-235 is ionised by the O9.5 V star BD +35 1201. Avedisova places this nebula in star formation region SFR 173.61+2.80 with 54 components, including 7 masers, the smaller HI region BFS 46 and several Herbig-Haro objects.
[1106.0081] A possible sequential star formation in the giant …
2011年6月1日 · We investigate the nature of 14 embedded clusters (ECs) related to a group of four H II regions Sh2-235, Sh2-233, Sh2-232, and Sh2-231 in the giant molecular cloud G174 + 2.5. Projected towards the Galactic anticentre, these objects are a possible example of the collect and collapse scenario.