Sh 2-264 - Wikipedia
Sharpless 264, also known as the Lambda Orionis Ring, is a molecular cloud and H II region, which can be seen in the northern region of the Orion molecular cloud complex (OMCC), in the …
Sh2-264 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
sh2-264,也稱為獵戶座λ環,位於獵戶座分子雲團(omcc)的北部地區,是一個分子雲和氫離子區。 OMCC是最著名的 恆星形成 區域之一,也是 銀河系 中離 太陽系 最近的一區,在那裏誕 …
Sh2-264 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
sh2-264,也称为猎户座λ环,位于猎户座分子云团(omcc)的北部地区,是一个分子云和氢离子区。 OMCC是最著名的 恒星形成 区域之一,也是 银河系 中离 太阳系 最近的一区,在那里诞 …
Sh2-264 - 百度百科
Sh2-264,又称猎户座λ环(Lambda Orionis Ring),是位于猎户座的分子云和电离氢区,可见于猎户座分子云团(OMCC)上方。 OMCC是银河系最靠近太阳系,也是最著名的一个恒星诞 …
Sh2-264 (Angelfish Nebula) - AstroBin
2023年10月19日 · Imaged Sh2-264, the Angelfish Nebula, on the nights of March 15 & 20, 2023. I like the combination of the hazy red nebulosity of Sh2-264 and the distinct orange color of …
Sh2-264 Angelfish Nebula (Marukawa) - AstroBin
Sh2-264 Angelfish Nebula Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Orion (Ori) · Contains: Part of the constellation Orion (Ori) · The star 133Tau · The star 134Tau · The star 32Ori · The …
Sh2-264, December 2024 - David's Astro Images
Sharpless 264 (Sh2-264), also known as the Lambda Orionis Ring, is a molecular cloud and H II region, which can be seen in the northern section of the Orion molecular cloud complex …
Sh2-264 @ DSLR H-Alpha (Wolfgang Zimmermann) - AstroBin
2022年11月21日 · Sharpless 264, also known as the Lambda Orionis Ring, is a molecular cloud and H II region, which can be seen in the northern region of the Orion molecular cloud …
P/O Sh2-264, B30, Ced51 and others - Cloudy Nights
2024年11月5日 · This is the NNW section of Sh2-264 (Orion Bubble) that includes Barnard 30, Cedarblad 51 and other Barnard numbers. There not many images of this area. There are a …
SH2-264 - Angelfish Nebula in Ha - Imaging - Stargazers Lounge
2019年1月28日 · This is a six pane mosaic of SH2-264, also Known as the Angelfire Nebula. Each pane consists of 5 x 120s shots with a Ha filter. The total exposure time is 60m.