Planetary Nebula Sh2-68 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · Sh2-68 is an ancient planetary nebula that is estimated to be at least 45,000 years old. The diffuse orange emission to the upper right is the result of the planetary nebula's motion through the disk of our galaxy. The bluish interior is from energized oxygen atoms. The progenitor star is the very blue star at the center of the bluish gas.
Sh2-68 • Flaming Skull Planetary Nebula - AstroBin
The Sh2-68's very irregular shape is due to its interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium. The white dwarf is moving rapidly through space and happens to be in a location in our Milky Way g...
Sh2-68 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
It is nicknamed the Flaming Skull Nebula – turning your head to the left, you can see a blue skull, facing and moving left, with a head of flaming hair as it streaks across our galaxy. The white dwarf star energizing the gases is likely the small blue star at the center of the bluish gas.
Sh2-68: The Flaming Skull Nebula | The Planetary Society
2016年5月15日 · Sh2-68: The Flaming Skull Nebula (starless H-alpha version) Image: Adam Block / Mount Lemmon SkyCenter / University of Arizona
Sh 2-68(惑星状星雲・へび座) - orio.blog
2019年12月21日 · Sh 2-68は、およそ3万年前に生まれた惑星状星雲で、その膨張は周囲の局地的なガスとの干渉で止まっていますが、中心星は固有運動で動き続けているためその中心にはありません。
In addition, here is a starless H-alpha version I incorporated into the result. Want a print of this?
Around Sh2-68 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-68 is emitting the oxygen's greenish light in center and the hydrogen's reddish streak stretched in northeast direction. It's considered that the unique shape has been formed with a central star rapidly moving. A magnified image turned the north direction rightward looks like a …
The Flaming Skull Nebula (Sh2-68) - Astrophotography by Nicolas …
Sh2-68 is an ancient planetary nebula, visible in the constellation Serpens. Its age is estimated at 45,000 years old. Located in the northern part of the constellation, about 4° north-northeast of the star η Serpentis, it extends over 8 arcminutes. The nebula has a very irregular shape.
SH2-68, Flaming Skull Nebula - AstroBin
... anyway the SH2-68 is located mostly in the south near the constellation Serpens, and is thought to be one of the oldest Planetary Nebula's. Everyone knows I love PN's probably because my OSC cameras work well with Ha/OIII filters. I have seen the occasional image of this object but they are few and far between so I jumped at the chance ...
noao-sh2-68 | noirlab | Astropix
2020年6月30日 · Sh2-68 is an ancient planetary nebula that is estimated to be at least 45,000 years old. The diffuse orange emission to the upper right is the result of the planetary nebula's motion through the disk of our galaxy. The bluish interior is from energized oxygen atoms. The progenitor star is the very blue star at the center of the bluish gas.
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