Sh2-71, a complex bipolar planetary nebula in Aquila in Ha
2022年7月17日 · About the object: Sh2-71 is a biploar planetary nebula in the constellation Aquila. There's [url=https://noirlab.edu/public/images/gemini1205a/]still spectulation about which stars[/url] to attribute ...
Complexity of Planetary Nebula Sharpless 2-71 - Sci-News.com
2012年5月18日 · The complex planetary nebula Sh2-71 as imaged by the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North on Mauna Kea in Hawai‘i. The long-assumed central star is the brightest star near the center, but some astronomers wonder if the much dimmer and bluer star just to the right might be the parent of this beautiful object (Gemini Observatory / AURA)
Sh2-71 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-71 is a planetary nebula bathed in the Milky Way of western Aquila. The nebula has a long axis of 2.6 arc minutes and about 3400 light years away. You detect the nebula as a reddish ringed shape in images taken with smaller telescopes.
Sh2-71, a rare PN in the Sharpless catalog - AstroBin
Contribution Index (beta) is system to reward informative, constructive, and valuable commentary on AstroBin. This complex nebula was included by S.Sharpless in his catalogue of HII regions but was subsequently deemed to be a planetary nebula.
Sh2-71 - AstroBin
2025年2月13日 · Sh2-71 is a complex bipolar planetary nebula that lies about 3300 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. There is debate about its unusual shape and its progenitor star, including the possib...
SH2-71 (wsg) - AstroBin
2024年9月15日 · SH2-71 is a rarely imaged bipolar Planetary Nebula located in the southern Constellation of Aquila. The gasses at the center are being pushed away from the central star at 500km per second. Data acquired by Mike Selby, processing by me - thanks for looking!
Complex Planetary Nebula Sh2-71 - NOIRLab
2012年5月14日 · Gemini Legacy image of the complex planetary nebula Sh2-71 as imaged by the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North on Mauna Kea in Hawai‘i. The long-assumed central star is the brightest star near the center, but some astronomers wonder if the much dimmer and bluer star (just to the right and down a bit) might be the parent of this ...
Sh2-71 - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: わし座西部の天の川に中に潜む惑星状星雲がSh2-71です。長径は2.6分,距離は約3400光年で,小望遠鏡で撮影すると南北に伸びた赤いリング状をしていることがわかります。
Planetary Nebula Sh 2-71 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
2023年8月1日 · The planetary nebula Sh 2-71 can be found in the constellation Aquila. The position is easily determined by the bright surrounding stars of 6th to 7th magnitude within a 1° field of view. On 5 July it is in opposition to the Sun and culminates at local midnight. The best observing time are the months June to September.
Planetary Nebula Sh2-71 - Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
The bipolar planetary nebula (PN) Sh2-71 lies in the constellation of Aquila at a distance of 1 kpc. It was discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1946. Shortly after the discovery, the central star (the brightest star in the centre of the nebula) was identified to be a variable with a quasi-sinusoidal lightcurve with an amplitude of 0.8 magnitudes.