Shadow Puppet (Wayang Kulit) of Arjuna, from the set Kyai Drajat
From the 1970s he amassed a collection of more than 20,000 puppets, mostly in full sets. While most were acquired directly from Indonesian puppet masters and local dealers, he also …
shadow puppet - British Museum
Shadow puppet of a young Arjuna, known as 'Permadi'. Made of hide, horn, gold leaf. Carved, painted and gilded. The arms and arm rods are missing.
Javanese shadow puppet of Arjuna - Science Museum Group
This puppet depicts Arjuna from the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata compiled between the 3rd century BCE and the 3rd century CE. The puppets are manipulated by rods either in daylight …
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The Art Of Indonesian Shadow Puppets
May 12, 2014 · Arjuna is a leading figure in the shadow puppet world in the Javanese culture. Some characteristic of Arjuna puppet version may different …
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Kayon shadow puppet showing Arjuna's Meditation
Kayon shadow puppet showing Arjuna's Meditation Expand Favorite. Download. 768 x auto (preview) View PDF. Kayon shadow puppet showing Arjuna's Meditation. Date 20th century. …
Javanese shadow puppet, possibly representing Arjuna.
Javanese shadow puppet possibly representing Arjuna. Has curled black hair and orange face. The body section is painted gold with a decorated lhungi and headdress.
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Arjuna | Handmade Javanese shadow puppet, known …
Feb 26, 2007 · Handmade Javanese shadow puppet, known as wayang kulit (literally "skin puppet"), similar to this earlier post. In this case, I've created a …
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Shadow puppet, Arjuna - Roots
This puppet represents the character of Arjuna in the Javanese 'wayang kulit' or leather shadow puppet theatre tradition. He was the greatest of the Pandawa (Pandava) brothers, and one of …
shadow puppet | British Museum
Shadow puppet of the male character Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers. Made of hide, horn and gold leaf. Carved, painted and gilded.
Wayang Kulit: Shadow Puppetry of Java and Bali at Musée du quai …
Dec 18, 2024 · Through a selection of exceptional antique puppets, the exhibition offers keys to understanding the shadow puppetry of the Indonesian archipelago. This gallery of leather …
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