Xist spatially amplifies SHARP/SPEN recruitment to balance
2022年3月17日 · Here, we show that Xist drives non-stoichiometric recruitment of the essential silencing protein SHARP (also known as SPEN) to amplify its abundance across the inactive X, including at regions...
Chromatin Regulator SPEN/SHARP in X Inactivation and Disease
2021年4月21日 · SHARP is a protein of more than 400 kDa that contains four RRMs and a highly conserved C-terminal domain, called SPOC (Spen paralog and ortholog C-terminal domain), which is responsible for mediating the repressive function of SHARP .
Phase separation drives X-chromosome inactivation - Nature
2022年3月17日 · New evidence suggests that dimeric foci of Xist seed the formation of large protein assemblies that contain a wide spectrum of proteins, such as SPEN (SHARP), CIZ1, CELF, PTBP1 and components...
The crystal structure of the Split End protein SHARP adds a new …
We have determined the crystal structure of the region of the human SPEN homolog that contains these RRMs-the SMRT/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein (SHARP), at 2.0 Å resolution. SHARP is a co-regulator of the nuclear receptors.
SPEN integrates transcriptional and epigenetic control of X
2020年2月5日 · We propose that SPEN acts as a molecular integrator for the initiation of XCI, bridging Xist RNA with the transcription machinery—as well as with nucleosome remodellers and histone...
Spen links RNA-mediated endogenous retrovirus silencing and X …
2020年5月7日 · Spen (also known as SHARP, MINT) is a ~ 400 kDa Xist RNA binding protein (RBP) that contains four canonical RNA binding domains, as well as a SPOC domain to facilitate protein-protein interactions. Spen is a co-repressor that binds to several chromatin remodeling complexes, including histone deacetylases (HDACs), and the NuRD complex ( McHugh ...
Nature | 介导X染色体失活关键调控因子 - 分析测试百科网
2020年2月6日 · SPEN是一个非常大的蛋白(大约400kDa),包含四个RNA识别结构域 (RRM),一个细胞核受体互作结构域(Nuclear receptor interaction domain, RID)以及一个SPOC (SPEN paralogue/orthologue C-terminal)结构域。 其中RRM2-4对于SPEN的招募以及基因沉默非常关键,这与前人在体外进行的实验结果是一致的【8】。 而SPOC的敲除虽然对于SPEN的招募被没有什么影响,但是却显著影响X染色体失活。 这说明,SPOC对于X染色体失活过程非常关 …
Chromatin Regulator SPEN/SHARP in X Inactivation and Disease
2021年4月1日 · Subsequently, Xist is bound by the corepressor SHARP/SPEN, recruiting and/or activating histone deacetylases (HDACs), leading to the loss of active chromatin marks such as H3K27ac. In addition, polycomb complexes PRC1 and PRC2 establish wide-spread accumulation of H3K27me3 and H2AK119ub1 chromatin marks.
SPOC 结构域是一个磷酸丝氨酸结合模块,可将转录机制与共转录 …
我们报告了 SHARP (SPEN) SPOC-CTD 的晶体结构,并确定了其与磷酸化丝氨酸 5 特异性结合的分子决定因素。 PHF3 和 DIDO SPOC 结构域优先与 Pol II 延伸复合物相互作用,而 RBM15 和 SHARP SPOC 结构域与 m6A 写入器和读取器蛋白结合。 我们的研究结果将 SPOC 域确立为转录机制与转录和共转录 过程的调节器之间的主要接口。 RNA 聚合酶 II (Pol II) 的 C 末端结构域 (CTD) 的七重复在整个转录周期中被广泛修饰。 CTD 通过招募转录调节因子以及 RNA 加帽、 …
Xist spatially amplifies SHARP/SPEN recruitment to balance
Here, we show that Xist drives non-stoichiometric recruitment of the essential silencing protein SHARP (also known as SPEN) to amplify its abundance across the inactive X, including at regions not directly occupied by Xist.