Shashe River - Wikipedia
The Shashe River (or Shashi River) is a major left-bank tributary of the Limpopo River in Zimbabwe. It rises northwest of Francistown, Botswana and flows into the Limpopo River …
沙什河 - 华文百科
Shashe河(或Shashi河)是津巴布韦Limpopo河的主要左岸支流。 它升到弗朗西斯敦(Francistown ),博茨瓦纳( Botswana)的西北,并流入了博茨瓦纳(Botswana),津巴布 …
Shashi River | river, Africa | Britannica
Shashi River, river in southeastern Africa that rises on the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe. It flows south, past Francistown, Bots., and then southeast along the border for …
Shashe Dam - Wikipedia
The Shashe Dam is a dam on the Shashe River in Botswana that was built to supply water to the industrial city of Selebi-Phikwe. [1] The large village of Tonota lies just south of the dam.
What does shashe mean? - Definitions.net
The Shashe River (or Shashi River) is a major left-bank tributary of the Limpopo River in Zimbabwe. It rises northwest of Francistown, Botswana and flows into the Limpopo River …
Shashe River - Wikiwand
The Shashe River (or Shashi River) is a major left-bank tributary of the Limpopo River in Zimbabwe. It rises northwest of Francistown, Botswana and flows into the Limpopo River …
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La_shashe (Shashe Capra), nata in Etiopia, adottata in Italia, è un'artista che attraverso le numerose mostre nazionali e internazionali (California, Piemonte, Campania, Slovenia ecc) ha …