Embedding Image in Shiny App - Stack Overflow
I've been working on a shiny app and would like to include a logo in the upper right corner of the app. How can I easily embed an image using shiny and r? Thanks! K
r - HTTPS for Shiny apps? - Stack Overflow
2017年3月27日 · Adding Authentication to Shiny Server in 4 Simple Steps. ADD AUTHENTICATION TO SHINY SERVER WITH NGINX. Shiny https: Securing Shiny Open Source with SSL. I probably should follow the one from r-bloggers because I have my Shiny server installed in Linode hosting servers. Any ideas? EDIT:
Change the color and font of text in Shiny App - Stack Overflow
Change the font inside tags in a shiny app. 0. Change font and color in helpText() 1.
r - Starting Shiny app after password input - Stack Overflow
2015年3月11日 · @Pork Chop's answer is excellent, I just wanted to simplify/make the code more generic so it can be seen exactly what the bare minimum required to be added to your Shiny App is (since some other answers are suggesting it is difficult to implement).
Deploying R shiny app as a standalone application [closed]
2015年11月4日 · Rename app.R to whatever your shiny app name is. Make sure you have the launch browser set to TRUE, otherwise the app will only be "listening". If you want to make sure any Rmd reporting works smoothly, also add the pandoc path to the code of your shiny app.
landing page for shiny app - Stack Overflow
Basically, use Shiny's native showModal(modalDialog()) command to have a panel pop up over the app. The modal is created in an observeEvent() statement in server.R that runs exactly once when the app starts up. Custom CSS is included in the ui.R script that makes the modal take up the entire page. Here's the app: ui.R
The application failed to start (exited with code 1) in R Shiny
2018年6月23日 · The following object is masked from ‘package:ggplot2’: last_plot The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’: filter The following object is masked from ‘package:graphics’: layout Warning in origRenderFunc() : Ignoring explicitly provided widget ID "52982fb160e2"; Shiny doesn't use them Warning in origRenderFunc() : Ignoring ...
r - How to trigger a data refresh in shiny? - Stack Overflow
Hi I still struggle with the difference of updating plots in the global file each day or in the server side. The way I work is that I run daily a data wrangling script which gives output of plots as .RData files. These are saved to Google Drive. Once this is finished I …
r - How to organize large Shiny apps? - Stack Overflow
2014年11月23日 · In tab based shiny app, one tab can be considered as one module which has inputs and outputs. Outputs of tabs can be then passed to other tabs as inputs. Single-file app for tab-based structure which exploits modular thinking. App can be tested by using cars dataset. Parts of the code where copied from the Joe Cheng(first link).
How do you pass parameters to a shiny app via URL
Shiny App: How to Pass Multiple Tokens/Parameters through URL. The standard delimeter for tokens passed through url to shiny app is the & symbol.