RNG Help: Hitting right frame but not shiny : r/pokemonrng - Reddit
2024年1月15日 · I catch the Haunter and it has the exact IV spread and nature as the tool suggested, but not shiny. The reason I believe I have not hit the incorrect frame, is that there is only 1 haunter with these spreads in this seed (up to the 50000 frame range).
Potential CD Shiny Pokémon vs Normal : r/TheSilphRoad - Reddit
2020年5月18日 · In the long term, getting a shiny Weedle is way more likely though. Let's say Weedle doesn't win the poll (which is highly unlikely, I know) and shiny Weedle is released for some event. From that point onwards, you will encounter way more Weedle in the wild than Gastly, despite the latter boosted during Halloween.
Gastly family shiny 3D assets : r/TheSilphRoad - Reddit
2017年11月4日 · Hey I totally missed it during gen3 hype and can't really tell when it was added, but gastly, haunter and gengar have shiny 3D assets available in game. As for ho-oh and celebi, it's only partially added : no 2D pictures yet.
Shiny Gengar Question : r/pokemonradicalred - Reddit
2023年5月26日 · Shiny Gengar Question This is gonna be a stupid question… but nonetheless, it is possible to catch a shiny haunter and then evolve it to use the white shiny mega gengar right? lol sorry in advance
can i evolve haunter into gengar without trading?
2022年7月9日 · You'll need a trading partner to evolve your shiny pal. I'm at work and can't help ya but hope someone here does!! If you have Pokemon Home and Legends Arceus, you can transfer it to Home then Legends to use an in game item called Link Cable that allows trade evolutions to happen without trading.
So does this mean there is no chance at encountering a shiny …
2022年9月28日 · So, shiny gastly has been shiny released, so you can have haunter, but only gastly had this release so wild Haunter (in the wild, on research or raid) can't be shiny, until niantic will decide to release it. It's funny because Mega Pokemon have their shiny form released, so you can find shiny gastly, you can find shiny gengar, but not haunter lol.
[gen 9] Shiny gengar regression : r/ShinyPokemon - Reddit
Gastly is Black in a Purple Cloud, Haunter is like a Purple with a hint of grey compared to the purple of its Shiny, so the Shiny Gengar would fit their normal colour scheme. Shiny Gastly is purple with Blue Cloud, Haunter is Blue Purple with a Blue Tongue, all they would need to do is colour Normal Gengar’s tongue Blue and it fits with the ...
What do you nickname your pokemon. #40: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
First I'm just wanna say I like Haunter way more than I like Gengar. He just looks so much cooler to me. Anyways the nicknames. For as much as I like Haunter and for as much good he did for me in my first HG playthrough I find myslef lacking for great nicknames for it. At one point I gave it the name Phantos but I feel like I could do better.
Is it worthwhile to have Haunter and Kadabra in your party
2018年12月28日 · When using the trade discord (stickied in reddit) i would very strongly recommend asking an official Moderator to do the tradeback for you. There are a lot of Shiny-Scammers around. Mods in discord are there for safety, so dont hesitate to just write them and wait for one to have Time for you.
One trick for hunting shiny gastly : r/PokemonLetsGo - Reddit
First 4 shiny ( Chansey*2, Grimer, Magnemite ) are about 2 hours each. However the 5th one ( Gastly, the one I talked about in the original post ) took 20 hours, I was very very depressed. My 6th one ( Weedle ) is 20 minutes after I caught gastly and 7th one ( Gloom ) …