RPO-A Shmel - Wikipedia
The RPO-A Shmel [5] [6] (Russian: реактивный пехотный огнемёт РПО-А «Шмель», lit. 'rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower " Bumblebee "') is a man-portable, single-use, rocket-assisted thermobaric weapon .
(番外篇)苏联/俄罗斯RPO系列火箭筒衍生型号补充 - 哔哩哔哩
我们国内PF-97单兵云爆弹是RPO-A“什米尔”(英文:Shmel,音译:什米尔,意思:大黄蜂)仿制型号,实际上RPO-A“什米尔”只是RPO系列火箭筒中一个型号,RPO是一个型号众多的家族化火箭筒,他甚至影响了后续俄罗斯其他新型火箭筒的研制。 衍生型号: RPO Rys. (1)RPO Rys:RPO系列的基本型号,使用的填料为凝固汽油弹填料。 RPO-A Shmel. (2)RPO-A Shmel: 基于RPO Rys研制的新型一次性武器。 发射装置是Rys上的一个缩短版本,而火箭已经被改装 …
RPO-A大黃蜂火箭筒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
RPO-A 「大黃蜂」 (俄语: РПО-А Шмель)是一種 蘇聯 製造的單兵便攜式火箭筒,蘇聯開發作為一次性 火焰噴射器 運用。 此武器是由位於 科洛姆納 的 俄聯邦儀器設計局 生產。 「大黃蜂」於1980年代後期被 蘇聯軍隊 定為制式武器,以取代過時的RPO 「Rys」。 此武器至今仍有被 俄羅斯 採用及出口,并提供全套技术授权中国自行生产,命名为 97式单兵云爆火箭筒。 RPO-A 「大黃蜂」為一種 單發 、一次性的火箭筒,以對付固定火力陣地為主要作戰對象,其用途類似於某 …
Shmel - Wikipedia
Shmel may refer to: RPO-A Shmel (Bumblebee), rocket flamethrower; 3M6 Shmel, guided anti-tank missile; Beriev A-50 Shmel airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft, or its Russian radar
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The RPO-A Shmel Russian 93mm Rocket-Propelled Flamethrower is a man-portable disposable rocket launcher, although it is classified as a flamethrower by its manufacturer KBP. The Shmel is...
RPO-A Shmel | Russian and Soviet Weaponry Wiki | Fandom
Although usually referred to in descriptive literature as a flame-thrower, the RPO-A Shmel (Bumblebee) is a rocket-propelled incendiary/blast projectile launcher. Development of this weapon began in 1984 and it was accepted for service in 1988, although series production did not commence for...
Shmel-class (Project 1204) Armored Artillery Gunboat / Patrol Boat
2023年11月14日 · It was not until the mid-1960s that thought was given to developing an all-new entry into the river artillery boat category for the Soviet Navy and this became the Shmel-class (Project 1204). The boats were slim in their base design though specifically given shallow draughts, allowing for operations in shallow waters as well as in Close-to ...
Shmel: The weapon with the fiery sting - Russia Beyond
2014年6月9日 · Widely used in numerous wars and localized conflicts, the Shmel has seen extensive service as “pocket artillery” for infantry in urban warfare, where opposing forces are often fighting in ...
A-50“支柱”与A-100“首相”:俄国熊的长空之眼 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月26日 · A-50U预警机采用了性能*******蜂-M”(Shmel-M)雷达,这提升了“支柱”预警机跟踪低雷达散射截面积的无人机和在低空悬停的直升机的能力. 总体概述. 俄罗斯军方一直特别注重加强其规模较小且日渐老化的机载预警(AEW)部队的建设。 2011年,通过引进大幅升级后的A-50U预警机,俄罗斯空天军(VKS)在该方面的能力得到了巨大的提升——新预警机提供了拓展的任务能力,并大大提高了可靠性。 到2020年年初,俄罗斯空天军麾下已经有6架A-50U预警 …
RPO-A Shmel | Military Wiki | Fandom
The RPO-A Shmel[2][3] (Russian: реактивный пехотный огнемёт-А Шмель (РПО-А Шмель), Rocket-propelled Infantry Flamethrower-A Bumblebee) is a man-portable rocket launcher, although it is classified as a flamethrower by its manufacturer KBP. The Shmel is designed, produced and exported by the Russian Federation and previously by the Soviet Union.