Shot Blast CMU - ORCO
ORCO Block & Hardscape manufacture CMU, Concrete Block, Cinder Block, Paver, Paving stones, Mortars, Blended or Sack Products, OBP, and mortarless, segmental, SRW, retaining walls. Also, Fire rated, STC rated, and, Natural Stone, and Fireplaces. Finishes include honed, burnish, shot blast, split face and smooth, precision, also, Slump, Adobe.
Shotblast Concrete Blocks - RCP Block & Brick
Shotblast concrete block is textured through the blasting of concrete block faces with shot, creating a pitted texture which not only give depth to the concrete block unit, but exposes the inner aggregates. The amount of shotblast can be adjusted from light …
Shotblast units provide a roughened, weathered appearance with some aggregate exposure. Precision cmu are processed through a machine that propels shot media against each unit to create the texture. Aggregate exposure is very random, as the amount and type of aggregate that rests close to the surface will vary greatly from unit to unit.
Shot Blast - Genest Concrete
Shot Blast CMU’s are created with a process similar to sand blasting, the face of the block is “shot” to reveal a variety of aggregates and colors while still maintaining a soft and consistent texture. Different intensities can be applied to produce an array of finishes. All Shot Blast Blocks are manufactured with Integral water repellent.
MiriStone Shot Blast CMU – Austin Block + Hardscape
MiriStone Shot Blast block meets ASTM C90 and C129 specifications for load-bearing and non-load-bearing CMU, respectively.
Antique Finished Concrete Blocks - Rustic CMU | Nitterhouse
Nitterhouse’s Antique CMU has a shot blast finish that exposes the natural beauty of the aggregate that is a main ingredient within the block. It also meets the ASTM-C90 specification for load-bearing concrete masonry units, as well as the C129 standard for non-loadbearing units.
Factory Shot Blast units are ideal for interior and exterior applications. The structural integrity of these units results in a one-step, single-trade installation process. Construct a sample panel, no less than 4’ x 4’, of each color and size units to be used in the project.
Northern CA Shot Blast CMU Colors - basalite-cmu
Northern CA Shot Blast CMU Colors. Base Colors. 225 - Shot Blast. Base - Lightweight. 345 - Shot Blast. Base - Lightweight. 625 - Shot Blast. Base - Medium Weight. 645 - Shot Blast. Base - Medium Weight. 725 - Shot Blast. ... W11 - Shot Blast. Premium - Light/Medium Weight. Load More. REQUEST SAMPLES
Products – Cind-R-Lite Block Co.
We have utilized our shot blast process to create a new and modern approach to design block. The process allows you to get a wall design that stands out from the rest, by not only showcasing the rich colors of the block but also showing the beautiful colors …
Shot Blast CMU – ORCO
ORCO Block & Hardscape manufacture CMU, Concrete Block, Cinder Block, Paver, Paving stones, Mortars, Blended or Sack Products, OBP, and mortarless, segmental, SRW, retaining walls. Also, Fire rated, STC rated, and, Natural Stone, and Fireplaces. Finishes include honed, burnish, shot blast, split face and smooth, precision, also, Slump, Adobe.