Shou Lung - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Shou Lung was a country and an empire in the continent of Kara-Tur, which was located to the east of Faerûn.[10] People from Shou Lung were referred to as Shou.[11][note 2] The name …
D&D翻译丨设定集《卡拉图东方国度》:受龙帝国Part1 | 机核 …
受龙帝国(Shou Lung) 你此次冒险的向导将会是天庭的历史之神的曾曾孙,伟大的巨龙领主梅龙·镇山(Mei Lung Cheng Shan)。 而梅龙的任务也就是将天庭之下的浩瀚历史收集整理,供 …
Celestial Empire | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
The Celestial Empire, also known as the Celestial Heaven or the Empire of Heaven, was the dominant pantheon of the continent of Kara-Tur, especially the empire of Shou Lung, and the …
Shou Lung – The Alternate Forgotten Realms - WordPress.com
Empire of Shou Lung is the largest of the many lands that make up Kara-Tur. It is a place of learning, culture and government, with a proud history that chronicles nearly three thousand …
Shou Lung - Realm of Adventure Wiki
Shou Lung is a country in the continent of Kara-Tur, which is located to the east of Faerun. It is arguably the largest and most powerful nation in the world. People from Shou Lung are …
年表总录 | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
The people of Shou Lung mark the ascendancy of Nung Fu as the start of their empire’s calendar. DR + 1250 = Shou Year or Shou Year – 1250 = DR. 倭历法Wa Calendar:
毫无疑问,托瑞尔世界上的东方帝国Shou Lung(绍朗/翔龙)早早就开始涉足和探索太空领域。 事实上,翔龙是已知有能力对太空领域进行探索的东方国家中最具代表性的。
Sources of Info on Shou Lung? : r/Forgotten_Realms - Reddit
2023年1月7日 · It has most of the info from the old Kara-Tur boxed set, which is the primary source for Shou Lung. It's not quite as fun to read, but it should give you what you need. Shou …
天庭The Celestial Bureaucracy | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
His appearance is that of a tall, aristocratic lord, dressed in shimmering robes of many colors, and wearing the high crown of the Emperors of Shou Lung. His eyes glow white with the Inner fires …
[D&D翻译][设定集]《卡拉图:东方国度》-受龙帝国 part1 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月4日 · 受龙帝国(Shou Lung) 你此次冒险的向导将会是天庭的历史之神的曾曾孙,伟大的巨龙领主梅龙·镇山(Mei Lung Cheng Shan)。 而梅龙的任务也就是将天庭之下的浩瀚历 …