Shubert 38 - Mafia Wiki
The Shubert 38 is a mid-sized four-door sedan with the basic but functional styling of the 1940s era. The Shubert 38 is based on the 1938 Chevrolet Master Sedan. Performance upgrades available at Charlie's Service & Repair.
Shubert 38 Panel Truck - Mafia Wiki
The Shubert 38 Panel Truck is a variant of the Shubert 38 sedan that's been outfitted as a cargo van for various industrial and trade-related uses. It's a two-door panel van with two seats in the front and a cargo area in the back that's accessible by two rear doors.
四海兄弟II中的载具 | 四海兄弟Wiki | Fandom
Vehicles in Mafia II are authentic to their time period. With 44 accessible vehicles and an additional 12 bonus vehicles, the variation adds an element of realism to the vibrant look of 帝国湾. Vehicles are unlocked throughout the coarse of the game and most passenger vehicles can be saved in the players 车库.
《黑手党2》车辆 (Vehicle) 介绍 - 游侠网
10.舒伯特(Shubert)-Shubert 38 原型车:1938 Chevrolet Master Sedan 门数:4门 发动机:6缸稳定型发动机 功率:不明 重量:不明 最高时速:不明 特点:价格公道,用途广泛,性能中庸(由于其性能中庸,所以此车被一度改成了各种用途的车,如下) ===== 计程车-Shubert 38 外卖 ...
Shubert | Fictional Vehicle Brands Wiki | Fandom
Shubert is a fictonal brand in Mafia mainly based off of Chevrolet and has little changes to the vehicles they are based on. Shubert is revealed to have been founded in 1927 as well. Shubert manufactures low price economy cars that are very affordable.
'38 Shubert Sedan. - 3D model by DrGustavo (@drgustavoo)
The Shubert 38 is a mid-sized four-door sedan with the basic but functional styling of the 1940s era. Vehicle imported from Mafia 2 to be playable in Project Zomboid. Textures made by Polynudj.
《黑手党2》游戏与现实车型对照图 - 游民星空
Shubert 38=1938 Chevrolet Master Sedan . 游戏中原车. 实车照片. Shubert Beverly=1957Chevrolet Bel-Air . 游戏原车 实车图: 火柴盒也推出过这个车的玩具,本人也有幸在散货市场淘到2辆(图是ebay的)
'38 Shubert Panel Truck - Steam Community
2022年11月29日 · The Shubert 38 Panel Truck is a variant of the Shubert 38 sedan that's been outfitted as a cargo van for various industrial and trade-related uses. It's a two-door panel van with two seats in the front and a cargo area in the back that's accessible by two rear doors.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Транспорт из Mafia Ⅱ
2020年4月24日 · Shubert 38 Taxi — большой четырёхдверный дешевый седан из "Mafia Ⅱ". Используется Empire Bay Cab & Co. Является точной копией Shubert 38 в техническом плана.
Shubert 38 Taxi - Mafia Wiki
The Shubert 38 Taxi is a variation of the Shubert 38. It's a four-door sedan used exclusively by the Empire Bay Cab & Co. to transport various people from place to place. It features a roof-mounted taxi light and comes painted in standard taxi-yellow with appropriate taxi markings and burgundy fenders.