CVB - Installed Sound Boundary Microphone - Shure USA
Designed for desktop-installed sound reinforcement applications, Centraverse™ Boundary Condenser Microphones seamlessly fit within any design aesthetic. They offer low-profile, discreet placement for corporate facilities, houses of worship, government institutions, and beyond.
Shure Centraverse CVB Installed Sound Boundary Microphone
Buy Shure Centraverse CVB Installed Sound Boundary Microphone - Black, Omnidirectional Condenser Mic, 12-Foot XLR Cable (CVB-B/O): Multipurpose - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
CVB User Guide - Shure
User guide for the Shure Centraverse CVB boundary mic, an electret condenser for desktop sound reinforcement with omnidirectional or cardioid pickup patterns.
CVB - CVB Centraverse™ 界面电容话筒 - Shure 中国
cvb是专业的界面式电容话筒,适合桌面安装扩声应用。 该产品提供心形和全方向形拾音模式,有黑色和白色可选,小巧内敛的设计可灵活搭配任何典雅设计的场合。
Shure Centraverse CVB Installed Sound Boundary Microphone
2012年11月7日 · Buy Shure Centraverse CVB Installed Sound Boundary Microphone - Black, Cardioid Condenser Mic, 12-Foot XLR Cable (CVB-B/C): Multipurpose - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
- 评论数: 226
Professional boundary electret condenser microphone for use in desktop installed sound reinforcement applications. Available in cardioid and omnidirectional polar patterns and black or white color options, its low-profile design fits seamlessly within any design aesthetic. *Note: Model availability depends on region.
Shure CVB-B/C Centraverse Cardioid Boundary Condenser CVB-B/C
The black Shure CVB-B/C is a Centraverse Series cardioid boundary condenser microphone designed to provide an optimized-for-speech frequency response and discreet desktop installation for presenters and speakers in conference rooms, …
The Shure Centraverse CVB is a professional boundary electret condenser microphone for use in desktop installed sound reinforcement applications. Available in cardioid and omnidirectional polar patterns and black or white color op-tions, its low-profile design fits seamlessly within any design aesthetic. Note: Model availability depends on region.
SHURE CVB-B/C界面话筒-智博创达科技有限公司 - szhaisun.com.cn
CVB-B/C 界面式电容话筒,心形指向性. 适用于桌面固定安装扩声应用. 小巧内敛的设计可灵活搭配任何典雅设计的场合. 例如教堂、法庭、会议中心等. 随附12英尺(365厘米)XLR线缆. CommShield 防射频干扰技术. 防止来自便携式无线设备(如智能手机)的射频干扰
Shure CVB-B/C Installed Sound Boundary Microphone
The Shure CVB-B/C Sound Boundary Microphone is designed for desktop-installed sound reinforcement applications. It has a cardioid polar pattern that captures the full spectrum of sound. Its discrete, low-profile design is ideal for applications where minimal visibility is desired.