Subgrains, micro-twins and dislocations characterization in monolike Si ...
2018年1月1日 · Post-growth TEM characterization allowed identifying constitutive dislocations of some subgrain boundaries for the case of [001] seeds. In-situ TEM straining of Si at high temperature also allowed measuring dislocation mobility at several temperatures. Those are compared to the dislocation velocities in pure Czochralski Si found in literature.
The influence of twin boundary on character and motion of …
2025年1月1日 · Bulk silicon (Si) exhibits brittle behavior at room temperature due to high lattice friction stress for dislocation motion associated with strong covalent bonds. However, notable plasticity has been observed in bulk Si at temperatures above the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature of about 800 K [1].
In situ TEM study of deformation-induced crystalline-to-amorphous ...
2016年7月22日 · We demonstrate that diamond cubic Si transforms into amorphous silicon through slip-mediated generation and storage of stacking faults (SFs), without involving any intermediate crystalline phases.
Formation mechanism and properties of twinned structures in (111 ...
2016年12月1日 · In this work, we report the reproducible formation of multiple twinned domains inside solar grade Si single crystals grown by directional solidification above a (111) seed.
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations demonstrated that in these strained regions a high density (up to 103–104 cm–1) of twin lamellae occurred, which, however, cannot explain the formation of local stresses in general. Besides, the non-uniform stress cannot be caused by dislocations.
TEM(透射电镜)测试精讲——孪晶形貌/电子衍射/高分辨 - 知乎
孪晶 是指两个晶体 (或一个晶体的两部分)沿一个公共晶面 (即特定取向关系)构成镜面对称的位向关系,这两个晶体就称为"孪晶",此公共晶面就称孪晶面。 六方结构 的孪晶按照孪生后晶体在原C轴方向上产生的应变性质可分为 拉伸孪晶 和 压缩孪晶。 ① FCC、BCC: FCC: {111}<112> BCC: {112}<111> ② HCP. 室温下 HCP金属常见的孪晶: {10-12}拉伸孪晶. {11-22}压缩孪晶. 其他孪生类型如 {11-21}和 {11-23}拉伸孪晶, {10-11}和 {11-24}压缩孪晶往往需要更高的临界剪 …
Electron Microscopy (EM) Analysis of Silicon
Voyles et al [1] analyzed Sb (antimony) doped Si (silicon) in the <110> zone-axis orientation using ADF-STEM (annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy) operated at 200 kV, directly observed individual Sb atoms at atomic-resolution, and identified the Sb clusters in Si responsible for the saturation of charge carriers.
Si (or large twinned) grains and large subgrains domains originating from inappropriate seed junctions may for instance appear and multiply essentially on the edges of the ingots and degrade locally the PV efficiency of Si (see
TEM bright-field images for the stacking faults (a), the twinned Si ...
Fig. 9 shows the typical TEM bright-field images of the stacking faults and the twinned eutectic Si particles as well as their selected area diffraction patterns for the Al-6Si alloy with 0.06%...
[PDF] Carbon at Si(111)‐twins: TEM analysis supported by …
2005年8月12日 · Carbon supersaturation and high density of twin lamellae influence the physical properties of multi‐crystalline silicon and restrict its applicability as a material in photovoltaics.