侧视雷达 - 百度百科
侧视雷达简称SLR,视场方向与飞行器前进方向垂直,用以探测飞行器两侧地带的一种工作于微波波段的成像雷达。 飞行器上的侧视雷达包括发射机、接收机、传感器、数据存贮和处理装置等 …
Side-looking airborne radar - Wikipedia
Side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) is an aircraft, [1] or satellite-mounted imaging radar pointing perpendicular to the direction of flight (hence side-looking). [2] A squinted (nonperpendicular) …
Straight Leg Raise Test - Physiopedia
The Straight Leg Raise (SLR) test is commonly used to identify disc pathology or nerve root irritation, as it mechanically stresses lumbosacral nerve roots. It also has specific importance …
Studio shot comparison - Digital Photography Review
Our comparison tool allows you to compare our standard test scene at a variety of camera settings. First select a primary camera from the pull-down list in the gray central panel, then …
Single-lens reflex camera - Wikipedia
A single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system (hence "reflex" from the mirror's reflection) that permits the photographer to view through the …
2023年10月26日 · 1>从麦克风到听筒的声传输称为侧音(Side tone); 2>电话的侧音通道就是发话者讲话时能听到自己声音的一种通道,其他侧音通道还有头传导通道和嘴与耳朵之间经过耳 …
Side-lying Release - Ease pain in pregnancy and birth - Spinning Babies
The Side-lying Release (SLR) uses a “static stretch” to temporarily and slightly enlarge and soften the pelvis. Stretching the muscle spindles in the pelvic muscles lengthens them for a short …
Side-by-side camera comparison - Digital Photography Review
The side by side comparison tool lets you easily view the specifications of two or more cameras. Choose the cameras from the list of the left then press compare. The results will be displayed …
Introduction - gaview.org
Side-looking radar (SLR) has been used for imaging land and ocean. SLR is the focus of this chapter. If SLR is equipped on an airplane, it is called SLAR (side-looking airborne radar).
Straight Leg Raise - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The straight leg raise (SLR) or Lasegue's sign is a widely used test to assess the sciatic nerve in cases of back pain. Although widely used, the test has limited diagnostic accuracy when …