Products | SIGA
Quick-drying, solvent-free primer strengthens the bond between SIGA tapes and woodfiber boards, masonry and concrete substrates. Single-sided, robust and flexible high-performance adhesive tape for permanent secure sealing of component joints in solid and metal structures.
Tapes | SIGA
High-performance adhesive tapes to permanently and securely seal the airtight and weathertight building envelope. Obtain information & order online now!
Home | SIGA
Single-sided, diffusible and rainproof high-performance adhesive tape for permanent windtight bonding of component layers outdoors. A self-adhering, vapor permeable membrane with the reverse face coated by a pressure-sensitive glue for direct bonding to substrates.
SIGA Fentrim 430 Grey – 4″ - Performance Building Tapes
SIGA Fentrim 430 Grey – 4″ tape has a slight perm rating, making it breathable so as to prevent condensation buildup, rot and mold. The gray, single-sided, high-performance acrylic adhesive tape is the optimal solution for permanent windtight and driving-rain proof sealing of window and door frames in solid construction on the outside*.
Performance Building Tapes | SIGA Tapes for Every Project
SIGA Tapes - Buy industry leading SIGA tapes & membranes for superior air and weather sealing for your building project of any size. Energy efficiency is attainable for every project.
SIGA Tapes and Membranes at Small Planet Supply
Small Planet Supply sells SIGA tapes and membranes, including: Corvum, Dockskin, Fentrim, Majcoat, Majpell, Majrex, Majvest, Rissan, Sicrall, Twinet and Wigluv.
Amazon.com: Siga Tape
Vapor Barrier Tape - 4 inch x 180' Roll, Made in USA, White Polyethylene Tape for Crawl Spaces & Moisture Barriers, Waterproof Seal & Seam Tape for Underlayment, Insulation, and Plastic Liners (1)
SIGA Wigluv 100 - Performance Building Tapes
The single-sided high-performance adhesive tape, Wigluv 100 (4″), is perfectly suitable for permanent windtight sealing of roof and wall sheathing on the outside as well as WRB seams. This wide version of Wigluv is also ideal for flashing in rough openings for windows and doors.
SIGA - Small Planet Supply
Interior Tape: Use Rissan, Sicral, Corvum for interiors. Rissan is the mainstay with a flexible backing that can both tape flat sheathing joints or wrap toughly around wires and pipe penetrations. It’s available in widths up to 6″ and easy to apply. Sicral is the paper back tape that is intended for long runs joining interior membrane joints.
A Review of Siga Wigluv Air-Sealing Tape - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2014年2月11日 · After reading Martin Holladay’s “Backyard Tape Test” article from the March 2013 issue of Fine Homebuilding, I thought that Siga Wigluv was the clear winner as the best tape for OSB sheathing seams. Martin’s article says that it’s best to use a primer, and I fully agree.