EST的特征系列SIGA-HFS和SIGA-HRS智慧型感温探测器,从其定温/差温传感元件采集模拟数据并转换成数字信号,探测器内置的微处理器将测量和分析这些信号,并把这些数据与历史数据-时间特性曲线相比较,确定是否报警。 数字滤波器滤掉非火警因素,几乎完全排除了误报。 每个探测器内置的微处理器还能提供四种辅助功能:自诊断及历史记录,自动生成探测器及模块连线图,独立运行模式和快速而稳定的通信。 自诊断及历史记录每个特征系列探测器持续不断地进 …
Intelligent Initiating Devices | Edwards Fire Safety
Signature Series devices are the life safety industry’s first modular detectors. Combining smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide (CO) sensing technologies in a single compact unit, these innovative detectors eliminate the need for separate devices to sense fire and CO.
Edwards EST SIGA2-HRS Intelligent Heat Detector, Fixed/ROR
The SIGA2-HCOS is a fixed temperature heat detector that includes an advanced carbon monoxide sensor and daughter-board. When the electrochemical cell reaches its end of life after approximately six years, the detector signals a trouble condition to the control panel.
Signature Series Model SIGA-HFS and SIGA-HRS Intelligent Heat Detectors gather analog information from their fixed temperature and/or rate-of-rise heat sensing elements and converts it into dig-ital signals. The detector’s on-board microprocessor measures and …
Edwards SIGA2-HRS Heat Detector - Rybb Fire Alarm
The Edwards SIGA2-HRS Heat Detector combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise heat detectors provide a 15 °F rate-of-rise heat sensor for the detection of fast-developing fires. As well as a 135°F (57°C) fixed temperature sensor for slow building-fires.
Refer to the SIGA2-TSTSPACER Testifire Adapter Assembly. Installation Sheet (P/N 3101942-ML) for further details. 1. Visually inspect each detector and verify that it is installed in the. 2. Remove the detector from its base and verify that the proper. 3. If wired for Class A operation, verify that the detector continues to. 4.
Use this device as part of a broad-based life safety program, which includes a variety of information sources pertaining to heat and smoke levels, extinguishment systems, visible and audible devices, and other safety measures. Independent studies indicate that heat detectors should only be used when property protection alone is involved.
美国Edwards品牌原装SIGA2-PS型号FM认证烟雾传感器 探测报警器
这是美国Edwards品牌原装SIGA2-PS型号FM认证烟雾传感器 探测报警器的详细页面。 产地:美国,是否进口:否,工作电压:12(V),货号:SIGA2-PS,品牌:EST Edwards,报警电流:2(mA),探测角度:360,静态电流:2(uA),工作温度:40(℃),探测距离:100(m),发射频率:60(MHZ),类型:红外报警探测器,型号:SIGA2-PS,安装方式:吸顶式,发射距离:100(m),动作距离:10(mm),订货号:SIGA2-PS,最小包装数:1,是否跨境出口专供货 …
Edwards EST SIGA-HRD Fixed Temp/Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
The SIGA-HRD is an intelligent fixed temperature/rate-of-rise fire detector. It monitors the temperature of the surrounding air and analyzes the data from the sensor to determine whether to initiate an alarm. The rate-of-rise heat function quickly detects a fast, flaming fire.
Edwards EST SIGA-HFD Intelligent Fixed Temp Heat Detector
The SIGA-HFD is an intelligent fixed-temperature heat detector that contains a fixed-temperature heat sensor rated at 135 °F (57.2 °C). It does not have a rate-of-rise function.