非接触电计量:削减成本和缩短时间--技术文章频道-《化合物半导 …
非接触电晕CnCV技术可以用来表征SiC和GaN外延层,提供C-V和1/C2-V特性图(以左边的n型GaN为例); CnCV技术还可以测量多层 外延样品上的掺杂分布(以右边的 4 层 SiC 外延片为例);左图的横轴表示表面电压,纵轴分别表示 C 和 1/C 2 ,即 C-V 和 1/C 2 -V 特性图;右图
CNCV - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does CNCV stand for? CNCV abbreviation. Define CNCV at AcronymFinder.com.
CNCV Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
CNCV commonly stands for Concave, a term used in geometry to describe a shape that curves inward. It can also refer to other specific contexts such as Central Nervous System Neurovascular in medical discussions.
CNCV meaning • What does mean the abbreviation...? - Todo Siglas
What does CNCV mean? If you want to know the CNCV meaning you should consider that this abbreviation can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used, in this case this abbreviation can refer to: Calculated Nerve Conduction Velocity; Chez Nous Chez Vous; Clair et Net Chez Vous; Colegiul National Cantemir Voda
What does CNCV stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Find out what is the full meaning of CNCV on Abbreviations.com! 'Chez Nous Chez Vous' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
Examples of the new capabilities of CnCV are presented for oxidized SiC and GaN. The charge-based corona-Kelvin technique is a non-contact electrical characterization method used by the majority of silicon IC fab-lines [1]. Only recently this technique has been adopted for the needs of wide bandgap technologies, including SiC and AlGaN/GaN [2].
Non-contact electrical metrology: trimming costs and slashing time
Non-contact corona based CnCV can be used to characterise epitaxial SiC and GaN layers, providing plots of C-V and 1/C 2 characteristics (example of n-type GaN on the left). CnCV can also measure dopant profiles on multiple layer epi samples (example of …
In this respect, the corona non-contact capacitance-voltage CnCV technique is especially promising since it enables Schottky barrier and MOS-like electrical measurements to be performed without fabrication of metal Schottky barriers or FET test structures [1].
¿Qué Significan las Siglas CNC? - LARCS
Las siglas CNC significan Control Numérico por Computadora. Se refiere a un sistema automatizado que utiliza instrucciones programadas para controlar maquinaria y herramientas de fabricación, como routers, fresadoras, tornos y máquinas de corte láser.
A usinagem CNC é feita através de um comando numérico computadorizado (sigla CNC, do inglês Computer Numeric Control) que permite o controle de máquinas, sendo utilizado principalmente em fresas, tornos e centros de usinagem.