[OPEN] [S] Iceproof Sim freeze to death/get chilled moodlet
changing a sim into their cold weather outfit . AND . getting them inside near a fireplace . OR . somewhere that isn’t cold. Important: Watch the thermostat that comes with seasons. It’s possible to make indoors cold like the outside, but it’s also possible to help warm sims up by changing the thermostat to hot.
Game crashed after loading a gallery sim on the Cupid's Corner app
Open Cupid's Corner with the Gallery Sim setting on and find a Gallery sim on the app. What happens when the bug occurs? When you open Cupind's Corner the app takes more time to load the sims. It works fine with random generated townies or other sims already in the game. The game instantly crashes when a gallery sim appears on screen.
Broken sim interactions - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Ok so my sims cant interact with each other and relationshipbars are not showing up and i dont know what to do. Nothing i'm doing is working, but this is what i've tried: - Disabled mods and scripts in the game options - Removed the mods folder from my sims folder - …
Re: I can not rebirth a sim with generic - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Enter rebirth on console and click on the genetics button that appears over the rebirthed sim’s icon. What happens when the bug occurs? You are unable to click on any of the rebirth genetics options, the cursor will instead jump between the sim’s icon and the personality icon instead of locking onto the genetics screen until the check is ...
sim stuck at high school - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Jul 29, 2024 · Send two or more teens to high school and follow them, then change the active teen Sim What happens when the bug occurs? Secondary teen Sims do not have the high school event tasks on the top left corner, just one Sim What do you expect to see? High school event tasks to be seen on all teen Sims that are attending school, as it used to previously
My sim can’t go home and stuck in a loading screen
Oct 6, 2024 · For some reason i can load into the game and go to my sim’s home just fine in my other save files but except the one file i am playing in evergreen harbor in. When i get to my sim and try to get them back home because they were at a community space and were tired, i would travel, click on the home lot and then i am stuck in the blue loading ...
[HR] [CD] Pets/Horses produce Sim gravestones when they die
When a pet sim dies, their urn/gravestone looks like a human sim's. The only way that I can distinguish that it is a pet's is because of the name on the urn/tombstone. From a glance, the urn/gravestone does not resemble one belonging to a pet sim.
Becoming a ghost animation loop - Page 3 - Answer HQ - EA …
Nov 10, 2024 · My sim had a swim in the Baleful Bog, had temporarily become a ghost, then returned to her living form. I'll guess that cyclic moodlet reacting to her own death is a bug, then? It still hasn't left her. Edit for clarity: I notice not every poster is having this issue with occult sims, only. I only ever play them so, tbc, my sim is a caster.
[FIXED] Sim wants to leave work early (message) - EA Answers HQ
Sim is at work and luckily now a menu shows up if they are allowed to leave work happens 2 times during a work day What happens when the bug occurs? Sims go to work and after a few hours you'll get a menu saying they want to leave (very annoying when you have a …
[OPEN] [HSY] NPC ask other Sim regardless of age/rel status to …
Child sim can't open Malcolm Landgraab's sim profile because they haven't met but already have a negative relationship due to Malcolm asking to be BFFs and the child sim declining. I can't see the sentiments because I can't open the profile, but the child sim gets a negative sentiment buff when Malcolm is nearby.