How to run UWP app on Simulator and simulate a location?
2020年2月12日 · How do I start a UWP simulator? Your system need to support Hardware-assisted virtualization and. Enable Hyper-v for emulator. Then switch the Solution Platforms to X86 or x64. For more info please refer Run Windows Store apps in the simulator. simulate a location? The Visual Studio 2015 simulator does not include the geolocation button.
c# - UWP Launching Sim Application - Stack Overflow
2018年6月27日 · MS docs said I can launch Sim application using this code: Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync("ms-settings-uicctoolkit:"); When I run this on my phone which has 2 SIM, it will display the fir...
How to find sim card availability in UWP windows phone
2016年4月15日 · I am developing a UWP app, in which I want check for sim availability. If sim is available I need activate phone call , else i will activate skype call. I am trying different api's to get sim availability, but nothing gives exact result. Can anyone help to get sim availability? Thanks in advance. Noorul
ios - iPhone - Detecting SIM card availability - Stack Overflow
Although it works fine when using a sim card, the returned carrier name if there is no SIM card is the old carrier name. It doesn't detect that the SIM is removed. I know this contradicts with Apple documentation that if there is no carrier, CTCarrier object shall be nil.
How does C# interface with Visual Studio to access image files?
2022年12月21日 · Second, UWP applications have some limitations when accessing system resources such as files. By default, UWP apps can access certain locations, such as the application data location. If you want to access other places like the picture gallery, you need to declare a capability in your UWP app's mainfest file or Open files and folders with a picker.
How can I know if my phone has SIM card on Windows Phone …
2013年1月14日 · Therefore, if there's a SIM card inside, the CellularMobileOperator got be something but not empty, you can utilize this to determine if the device has a SIM card inside. But I haven't take consider of what if an "invalid SIM" inside the phone will happens.
How to Simulate a Tab Key Press with Code in UWP
2019年6月17日 · You cannot use DLLImports in UWP. – Emiswelt. Commented Jan 15, 2020 at 15:40. Add a comment | Your ...
c# - UWP combo box inside a pivot control loses selected item …
2018年8月20日 · At work, we have a UWP application which is made using the Galasoft MVVM light framework. On one of the screens of the application, there is a list of "Equipment" that has a button to modify that particular equipment. Upon clicking that button, the user is navigated to another page that has a pivot control with 4 tabs.
Windows 10 UWP app: StreamSocket via mobile broadband
2016年3月2日 · I'm wondering how I can use the mobile broadband connection of a device from my application, written as a UWP app. I am using the following code that allows me to connect to the desired device via WiFi, but it isn't working via the mobile broadband connection. The device contains a Machine-To-Machine SIM card that links to our company network.
c# - UWP get country phone number prefix - Stack Overflow
2016年1月17日 · I want to get the country prefix for phone numbers. e.g. if I am in the US and I enter the number 0123 - 456, I want to get the prefix +1 or 001, so the number in the end is (+1) 0123 - 456 If I a...