The limit as t --> 0, of, sin(t)/t - thinbasic.com
In this case, length 0P equals 1, so, cos(t) equals length 0A, and sin(t) equals length AP. We need to be able to determine the area of a sector (with center at 0) of a circle. We know that the …
FBGFX Plasma acceleration using asmosphere - thinbasic.com
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OS_Shell characters limit
The limit as t --> 0, of, sin(t)/t. By danbaron in forum Math: all about Replies: 1 Last Post : 28-07-2011 ...
FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics [Archive]
Hi, I'm a bit worried about the speed.. The next plasma-like example runs very slow at higher resolution on my computer.
FBGFX module for thinBasic, to handle 2D graphics
try this [code=thinbasic] 'Plasma-like effect with FBGFX uses "FBGFX" Dim w,h As Double w=200 h=150 Dim T1, T2 As QUAD
Example section 5.3 ff: circles, ellipse and more (page 50-53) …
'x = Sin(t) 'y = Cos(t) 'glBegin(GL_POINTS) 'glVertex2f(x, y) TBGL_Color(0,0,255) For t = 0.0 To 6.28 Step ...
Mystery Curve - thinbasic.com
2016年10月4日 · Remember Me? Articles; Forum; FAQ; Calendar; Forum Actions. Mark Forums Read; Blogs; thinBasic/Resources
Pyramide - thinbasic.com
Hello, Pyramide without texture. Uses "ui","math" #INCLUDE "gdip.inc" OpenWindow 400, 360 SetSmoothMode 2
Back to the root [Archive] - thinBasic: Basic Programming …
Dim a, t, xp, yp, zp, xs, ys, z, c As Single Long p c=2 Sub xCircle(x, y, w As Single) For a=0 To 36 Step 2 DrawPoint(x+Sin(a)*w,y+Cos(a)*w,2,&hFFFFFF) Next End Sub While IsWindow hwnd …
Learning Oxygen and discussion of ideas for projects - Page 15
2009年10月5日 · I guess this should be moved out from User Tools Eros now and in some other suitable category as you see fit. Original Post:I thought I would start a new topic for the …