Sinch - GitHub
Use the Sinch SDKs and APIs to enhance your app with Voice, SMS, Verification, Instant Messaging, and Video. The In-app voice and video reference application for iOS, Android and …
ngrok | API Gateway, Kubernetes Networking + Secure Tunnels
So we made it easy. ngrok is the flexible API gateway for instant, secure connectivity anywhere—public or private. Ditch the infrastructure headaches and enjoy building software …
ngrok的使用(超详细) - CSDN博客
2024年6月1日 · 百度百科: ngrok 是一个反向代理,通过在公共的端点和本地运行的 Web 服务器之间建立一个安全的通道。 ngrok 可捕获和分析所有通道上的流量,便于后期分析和重放. 啥玩意… 其实说白了就是你写一个项目,在PC上完美运行,想在手机端访问,只能让手机电脑处于同一 局域网 内,但是这个技术可以把你的本地IP和端口(例如:localhost:8080)转换为www.baidu.com一样的外网,这样,即使电脑与手机不是在同一局域网内也可以无缝访问,( …
SMS Messaging, Voice, Email, Video & Verification APIs | Sinch
Sinch offers AI-powered apps, APIs, and network connectivity. Send messages, create email campaigns, and build chatbots that improve customer experience and grow your business. Start small or scale globally—our messaging, email, and voice APIs provide the secure, reliable foundation you need to connect with every handset worldwide.
ngrok-内网穿透实测(傻瓜式操作) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
因为最近想搞个LLM提供外网可以访问的,但由于没有在线的服务器,且GPU部署在本地,但又想让外网可以访问到我提供出来的接口,所以简单搞了个内网穿透来让外网可以访问局域网的服务。 二、工具下载. 2.1 ngrok 访问官网,下载对应平台的工具,因为我的服务器是部署在linux的所以下载的是linux版本的。 2.2 注册ngrok的账号,我是用github进行绑定注册的(需要科学上网),然后获取授权码,如下图所示: 2.3 解压下载下来的压缩包. 2.4 密钥校验 (2XZDPcx... 为2.2获取 …
sinch/sinch-sdk-node: Node.js SDK for Sinch APIs - GitHub
Here you'll find documentation related to the Sinch Node.js SDK, including how to install it, initialize it, and start developing Node.js code using Sinch services. To use Sinch services, you'll need a Sinch account and access keys.
Linux | ngrok documentation
2 天之前 · In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing the ngrok agent on a remote Linux device, ensuring the agent runs integrated into your operating system, restricting traffic to trusted origins, and integrating traffic events with your preferred logging tool.
Sinch Developer Documentation
Communicate with customers via single SMS, scheduled batch sending, rich formats, WhatsApp, and more. © 2025 Sinch. All rights reserved.
Sinch 推出弹性 SIP 中继,实现可扩展、可靠和经济高效的通信
2024年10月30日 · Sinch 直观的客户仪表板简化了弹性 SIP 中继和其他 CPaaS 解决方案(包括可编程语音、消息传递、电子邮件和验证)的管理,最大限度地减少了对大量开发人员资源的需求。
Introduction | Sinch | Documentation Global
Clarify your doubts regarding our WEB messaging platform, such as how to use our features, types of deliveries, reports, and much more. Language: Spanish - LATAM Language: Portuguese. English Technical Documentation.
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