SOLUTION: What is the exact value of sin(75) degrees
You can put this solution on YOUR website! What is the exact value of sin(75) degrees sin75º=sin(30)º+45º) ...
SOLUTION: Find the exact value. (Hint: 75° = 45° + 30° ) (answer …
You can put this solution on YOUR website! sin(75) sin(45 + 30) sin(45)cos(30) + cos(45)sin(30) (sqrt(2)/2)(sqrt(3)/2) + (sqrt(2)/2)(1/2)
SOLUTION: The sine of the complimentary angle to 75°
Algebra -> Angles-> SOLUTION: The sine of the complimentary angle to 75° Log On Geometry: Angles, ...
SOLUTION: Outside temperature over a day can be modeled as a …
D(t) = 75 - degrees. The amplitude 10 is half the difference 85-65. 75 degrees is the mean temperature, and it happens precisely at midnight - so the sine function has no time shift. The period is 24 hours. ----- PLEASE pay ATTENTION that the sign before the sine function in my post is " - " (MINUS), as it should be,
SOLUTION: if i have a sin the equals .75 how does that equate to …
sin^1(0.75) means "what angle gives " if you do the unit circle. You'll see that there is in the range degree that gives you that value. Which is correct depends on what the problem is, what physical situation it is and so on. => x = sin^-1(0.75) = 48.6 _degrees and x = sin^-1(0.75) = 131.41_degrees If you calculate it equals If you calculate
SOLUTION: Find the exact values of the sine, cosine, and tangent …
SOLUTION: Find the exact values of the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle. 195° = 240° − 45° sin(195°) 105° = 75° + 30° sin(195°)
SOLUTION: find the exact value of sin 75 degrees. - Algebra …
Question 38935: find the exact value of sin 75 degrees. Answer by fractalier(6550) (Show Source):
Angle A. 75, angle B. 48, angle C. 57 find all the missing sides …
Angle A. 75, angle B. 48, angle C. 57 find all the missing sides using sine rule Found 2 solutions by Alan3354, ikleyn : Answer by Alan3354(69443) ( Show Source ):
SOLUTION: A given sinusoidal function has a period of 3, an …
to make the sine function pack at 0 degrees, the graph of the sine function must be shifted to the left 90 degrees. that is when the peiod is 360 degrees. when the period is 3 degrees, the shift is equal to 90 / 120 = .75 degrees. the general form of the graph now becomes y = 7 * sin(120 * (x - .75)) - 5 or y = 7 * cos(120 * x) - 5.
SOLUTION: While a student was playing with their calculator they …
sin 55° = 0.819152044 and cos 35° = 0.819152044 sin 30° = 0.5 and cos 60° = 0.5. sin 15° = 0.258819045 and cos 75° = 0.258819045 Why do these calculations produce the same answer? Answer by greenestamps(13085) ( Show Source ):