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SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram interpolation and image denoising in low-dose CT reconstruction
SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram ... - IEEE Xplore
In this work, we propose a hybrid deep learning approach that combines sinogram interpolation with image denoising, referred to as SIPID. Through alternatively training the sinogram interpolation network and the image denoising network, the proposed SIPID network can achieve more accurate reconstructions, compared with pure image denoising.
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A deep learning framework for sinogram interpolation and image denoising in low-dose CT reconstruction. Contribute to gjlper/SIPID development by creating an account on GitHub.
济南科晟捷工业自动化设备有限公司_济南科晟捷工业自动化设备有 …
济南科晟捷工业自动化设备有限公司是集研发、设计、制造、销售和服务于一体的高新技术企业。 专业从事机床附件国产化,机床内防护系统设计、加工、维修订制,精密零部件、工装、夹具制作,自动化设备,机械设备,汽车工业自动化工程项目设计、安装、调试等服务。 公司拥有完善的加工、装配全流程机械制造工艺进口加工中心、车削中心设备,拥有强大的研发技术实力和丰富的机械工艺经验,引进现代化的企业管理手段和思想,实施计算机辅助设计系统(CAD)、企业资 …
SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram ... - ResearchGate
2018年4月1日 · In this paper, we report on applying machine learning to the sinogram completion task in cycloidal CT, with the aim of reconstructing high quality images from incomplete (low-dose) data, and...
SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram interpolation
SIPID: A deep learning framework for sinogram interpolation and image denoising in low-dose CT reconstruction. H. Yuan, J. Jia, and Z. Zhu. ISBI, page 1521-1524. IEEE, (2018) The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
跨世纪自主研发-可信赖的BIM整体解决方案供应商,支持软件二次 …
建造大师CivilStation Construction (简称CSC)以BIM+GIS+BI+AI核心技术为支撑,以工程建设项目全生命周期管理为主线,依托方案设计可视化评估板块提供方案前期设计成果展示及智能评审;质量、安全、进度、投资、合同、人员、材料,机械设备和智慧工地管理等为抓手,构建了多终端(网页端、桌面端、移动端)、高可用、高安全,稳定可靠的从设计到施工的全过程数字化管理云平台。 方案可视化汇报系统是跨世纪自主研发,面向公路工程提供基于BIM技术的总体方案设 …
凯视佳工业相机API函数说明书 - CatchBEST
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Sipid: A Deep Learning Framework For Sinogram Interpolation …
In this work, we propose a hybrid deep learning approach that combines sinogram interpolation with image denoising, referred to as SIPI...
MG6-SA Microporous Metal/Nonmetal Gloss Meter - KSJ
MG6-SA Microporous Metal/Nonmetal Gloss Meter ★Measuring beam diameter 1.5mm, measuring window 4mm x 2mm, suitable for gloss measurement of faceted surfaces. ★Measurement of gloss on the surfaces of various metallic and …