Number of the beast - Wikipedia
In most manuscripts of the New Testament and in English translations of the Bible, the number of the beast is six hundred sixty-six or χξϛ (in Greek numerals, χ represents 600, ξ represents 60 and ϛ represents 6). [1]
666 Meaning - Is This Number Evil Or Just Misunderstood?
2018年3月1日 · The association of 666 with evil originates from a passage in the Book of Revelations in the New Testament of the Bible. As it reads in the King James Version (13:18): Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
number of the beast - Encyclopedia Britannica
2025年2月7日 · The number of the beast is usually referred to as 666, although the earliest extant written copy of Revelation gives 616. While the exact identity of the beast is contested, there exists a popular belief that 666 can signify the Antichrist or Satan.
2022年2月11日 · 众所周知,在中国,“6”是一个很吉利的数字,有“六六大顺”、“六畜兴旺”、“六马仰秣”等寓意吉祥的词语,发红包时人们也常发66元或666元。 然而,在西方文化中,666却是一个不吉利的数字,它代表着邪恶,象征着魔鬼。
Meaning of the Number 666 in the Bible - Bible Study
The sequence 666 symbolizes the perfection of man's overall system that is separated from God and under the constant influence of Satan the devil. Six in the Bible represents, by itself, incompleteness or imperfection, as it is one less than perfect seven. Man's system on earth is made up of three parts, each represented by a six in the numeric ...
用英文怎么表达“666”呢?说“six six six”老外可能听不懂!
2019年3月18日 · “666”就是表示“你很棒,很牛的意思。那问题来了,用英语怎么表示“666”呢?可能有些小伙伴就会说,这还不简单,就是“six six six”啊!哈哈,这个……用来调侃可以,真的翻译成英文可就不行了。比较恰当的说法,大家不妨试试下面这些。
Six-Six-Six: Definition, Meaning, and Origin - US Dictionary
2023年8月17日 · The phrase "six-six-six" or 666 is a number that carries different meanings in different contexts. It's a set of three sixes and can be seen in various places like addresses, phone numbers, or license plates.
666 Meaning: Angel Number or the Devil's Digits? - HowStuffWorks
2023年8月29日 · 666 is also an angel number — repeated single digits that have spiritual meaning for those who believe in guardian angels or spirit guides. In the world of angel numbers, 666 isn't a bad omen. Depending on the interpretation, it can be a good sign.
“666” 不是 “Six Six Six”?这样说才正确! - 搜狐
2018年4月12日 · 在“666”这个词中,它不是指数字“6”,它是在LOL对局中开始流行起来的数字简化语言,是口头语“溜”的谐音数字,如今也是被广泛运用到日常中。 就比如大家经常评论小英的推文666.... 其实,在中文里,“溜”这个词常用于口语,表达对一种事物的熟练程度,例如,你玩游戏很溜哦,意思就是你玩游戏玩的很好。 而666则是“溜溜溜”,是一种更为快捷的赞美别人的网络用语。 所以,我们明白了“666”就是表示“你很棒,很牛逼”的意思。 用英语怎么表示“666”呢? …
666,用英语说难道是six six six? - 沪江英语
2020年5月4日 · 那么, 666用英语应该怎么说呢? 1. 用 awesome/wonderful/incredible/cool/impressive 形容某事或某人。 2. You did a great job. 你做的超棒! 3. Well done! / Nice going! 干得好! 4. You’re really something! 真有你的! 5. You rock! 你太强了. 沪江英语网是免费的英语学习网站,提供666,用英语说难道是six six six? 信息,包含666,用英语说难道是six six six? 的相关学习资料、单词测试、评论、学习推荐等信息。