MarginallyClever/sixi-2: Sixi 2 Robot Arm - GitHub
Sixi 2 is an open source industrial robot arm. It is designed with six degrees of freedom and can hold 2kg at 80cm. Some examples of it in action:
Sixi 2 Robot Arm - Marginally Clever Robots
Sixi robot is a small size industrial arm intended for light, repetitive work and education. It doesn’t get tired, get sick, slow down, take breaks, or vacations; it works in the dark, in noisy places, …
Sixi robot arm - Hackaday.io
2019年4月5日 · Sixi 2 firmware is contained inside the Makelangelo firmware. Circuit Benders. The current motherboard is an Arduino Mega with a custom PCB. The PCB was designed in …
Hackaday.io上机器人的项目-Sixi 2
我们仍在尝试在车间中构建流程,以使STL文件和BOM始终与我们当前的工作保持最新。 同时,以只读方式查看我们的Sixi 2 Fusion360项目。 您可能可以从中提取BOM和STL文件。
Sixi 2, an Open Hardware Robot Arm - Hackster.io
Royer’s latest project, in collaboration with Jin Han, is the Sixi 2 six-axis robot arm. As seen in the Instagram clip below, it’s beautifully made, with a robust motor forming the shoulder, and …
Sixi 2, An Open Source 3D Printable 6 Axis Robot Arm
2019年10月28日 · Drat, I misread the title and thought it was a six-arm 3D printer, like Nicholas Seward’s recent Stewie Simpson concept.
sixi-2/README.md at master · MarginallyClever/sixi-2 - GitHub
Sixi 2 Robot Arm. Contribute to MarginallyClever/sixi-2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
SIXI 2 Part files & assembly instructions - Marginally Clever …
2018年12月6日 · Sixi 2 firmware is contained inside the Makelangelo firmware. Circuit Benders. The current motherboard is an Arduino Mega with a custom PCB. The PCB was designed in …
sixi 2 – Marginally Clever Robots
This video covers robot arms before Sixi and then all three models of the current brand, along with interesting things learned along the way. Plus stick around for movement demos at the end. …
Sixi 2, An Open Source 3D Printable 6 Axis Robot Arm
Students in Montreal purchased our kit and used the open source instructions to build a Sixi robot for their autonomous rover competition. This is the latest in-progress shot I received. Nice nice …