The non-condensibles are removed from the condenser by condenser air removal (CAR) pumps and/or steam jet air ejectors (SJAEs) as shown in Figure 8.1-3. The CAR pumps are also called the mechanical vacuum pumps. The CAR pumps are used to initially evacuate the condenser down to at least 20" of mercury vacuum in about an hour.
Steam jet air ejectors (SJAE) are often used as exhausters in power plant condensers. SJAEs use high pressure steam as the motive force to create the suction and compression necessary to establish vacuum and maintain the low pressure in power plant condenser applications. As shown in Figure 1, the motive steam enters the steam chamber
Steam-jet air ejectors (SJAE) - EnggCyclopedia
Steam jet air ejectors are used as vacuum generating devices. A steam jet is used to pull air from low pressure source (suction). Read more about different types and structure of steam jet ejectors, their advantages and disadvantages.
Steam Jet Air Ejector (SJAE) - Jetfloweurope
Usually, the SJAE system is of Twin Element type i.e. of duplex design having two identical Ejectors per stage, one of which, being in operation at any one time and the other as stand-by. The Inter and After Condensers are generally Single Element type.
2016年2月22日 · skid. A typical piping & instrumentation diagram of the vacuum pump system is included in Figure 2. DESIGN FEATURES COMMON TO BOTH EJECTOR SYSTEMS AND VACUUM PUMP SYSTEMS . Subcooling of Air-vapor Mixture in the Condenser . Per HEI standards, the venting equipment is sized for subcooling of air-vapor mixture for a …
Steam Jet Air Ejector assistance 1 - Eng-Tips
2009年1月8日 · Are you sure the problem is with the SJAE and not additional air in-leakage to the condenser? Some SJAEs include a flow measuring device on the air discharge. If so, you may want to compare the discharge flow at present with past readings.
AAHANA Giffard Systesms
All our products, whether a single stage Ejector or Multi stage Vacuum system (SJAE), can be supplied with full documentation and certification and our professional, on-site assembly team ensures that all products are delivered to our customers fully tested and ready to use.
Skid具体是什么包装?滑木箱包装呢? - 知乎专栏
Skid是滑道、打滑的意思,在包装中是“滑木包装”的意思,通常指滑木箱。 根据中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T4122,木容器型式 术语的解释,滑木箱是指①采用滑木结构的底盘②侧面和端面采用箱板和箱档制成的③木制的箱子。
Performance Monitoring of Steam Jet & Liquid Ring Vacuum Systems
2021年11月25日 · The two primary components used to generate the vacuum within the vacuum system are steam jet air ejectors (SJAE) and liquid ring vacuum pumps (LRVP). The performance of an SJAE is defined by mass flow versus absolute pressure at the suction inlet.
SJAE, GSC duty & Temp rise (SJAE nozzles replaced at ~9 years) Subcooling. Performance-Based Recommendations • Water wash annually (0.4 to 0.7 in HgA improvement) • Helium leak tests • Careful with using inlet air temperature RTD’s (air recirc bias) Water-washes • Contractor supplied wash skid. (OEM skid / rig insufficient quality)