38 cm SK C/34 naval gun - Wikipedia
Four types of shells were used by the 38 cm SK C/34, although the Siegfried-Granate could only be used by the coastal defense versions. Almost 40 percent lighter, this shell could be fired with a reduced charge at 920 metres per second (3,000 ft/s) out to 40 kilometres (44,000 yd).
Germany 38 cm (14.96") SK C/34 - NavWeaps
Used on the famous Bismarck class battleships, this weapon is usually - but incorrectly - referred to as being 47 calibers long, but it was actually 51.66 calibers in overall length (German Method) and 48.43 calibers in bore length (USA/UK Method).
20.3 cm SK C/34 naval gun - Wikipedia
The 20.3 cm SK C/34[Note 1] was the main battery gun used on the German Admiral Hipper -class heavy cruisers. These built-up guns consisted of a rifled tube encased within an inner and outer jacket with a horizontal sliding breech block.
Germany 28 cm (11") SK C/34 - NavWeaps
This weapon was used for the small battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and was an improved version of the 28 cm SK C/28 gun used for the Deutschland class Panzerschiffes. The high muzzle velocity of this weapon gave its relatively light-weight projectiles long range and good penetration power against belt armor, at the cost of relatively poor ...
Germany 38 cm/52 (14.96") SK C/34 - warships.com.cn
Used on the famous Bismarck class battleships, this weapon is usually - but incorrectly - referred to as being 47 calibers long, but it was actually 51.66 calibers in length. It is also sometimes mistakenly described as being a carry over from the 38 cm L/45 guns used on the World War I-era Bayern class battleships.
SK-C34的52倍径380主炮的性能到底怎么样,种种神话难以分辨其 …
德国skc34 15英寸舰炮与20世纪三十年代(1934年)研发,1939年进入服役。主要装备于俾斯麦级战列舰,未建成的o级战列舰和计划中的沙恩霍斯特级战列舰,还有各类岸防炮台。 该型舰炮按照英制算法为48倍径(德制算法52倍径),炮管寿命180-210发。
28 cm SK C/34 naval gun - Wikipedia
The previous 28 cm gun was the SK C/28 used on the Deutschland class.The Scharnhorst class received an improved version of the SK C/28 which had a longer barrel—the SK C/34.. The 283 mm SK C/34 gun was relatively fast loading, compared with other armament of this size. It could deliver a shot every 17 seconds.
38Cm SK C/34火炮浅议 - 哔哩哔哩
38Cm SK C/34火炮是德国史上最大的战舰“俾斯麦”级战列舰的主炮,其也因“俾斯麦”号和“提尔比茨”号传奇的服役生涯而广为人知,更随着1941年5月24号早上6时01分那殉爆“英国皇家海军的荣耀”--“胡德”号战列舰巡洋舰的一炮而名声大振,成为倍受广泛讨论的火炮之一。 位于挪威克里斯蒂安博物馆收藏的38Cm SK C/34火炮(图片来自Navweaps网) 目前在38 Cm SK C/34火炮全称的解译上,对其头尾两个部分的解释都比较一致,即,38Cm表示其火炮的口径,C/34的全拼 …
380毫米SK C/34型舰炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
380毫米SK C/34型舰炮 (德语:38cm L/52 SK C/34) [Note 1] 是 克虏伯 公司为 德国海军 于1930年代中至末期研发的 舰炮,主要作为新型战舰 俾斯麦级战列舰 的主炮研发。 它也曾计划装备在更新武装的 格奈森瑙号战舰 及新开工 O级战列巡洋舰 等战舰上,但随着前者战损和后者放弃建造而取消,此外 苏联红海军 也曾向德国购入此炮作为 喀琅施塔得级战列巡洋舰 的主炮,不过因为苏德战争的原因,该舰炮 {岸防炮}未曾交付。 除了作为舰炮,此款火炮经过改良后(被称为 …
德国38cm SK C/34型岸炮版火炮的详细资料 - 主讨论区 - 战列舰
2025年3月16日 · 标准发射药是用来发射800kg标准弹的,而远程发射药是用来发射495kg远程弹的。 前段发射药是放置在圆柱形容器中的,前后两端还覆有盖子,容器和盖子本身也都是由发射药铸成的,容器外侧还套有双层丝绸包裹,其前端有两个把手,后端有一个把手;后段发射药的药筒是钢制的。 发射300发标准弹后,炮口初速将会下降82米/秒(即初速下降10%),装弹行程则会延长540mm(正常行程为2464mm);发射350发远程弹后,炮口初速将会下降105米/秒(即初速 …
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