TRG Sako Rifles For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
Omaha Outdoors has custom and factory in stock Sako TRG models for sale. Buy Sako TRG online at Omaha Outdoors.
Sako TRG
Competitive shooters around the world recognize Sako TRG as one of the most accurate and reliable rifles ever produced. Created to adapt to the most challenging shooting scenarios, this rifle series offers a ready, out-of-the-box rifle to compete with.
TRG 22/42 A1 - SAKO
The Sako TRG 22 A1 & 42 A1 are robust precision instruments made for one specific task: hit the target – whatever it takes. With a guaranteed sub-MOA out-of-the-box performance, the TRG 22/42 A1 comes ready to engage at any distance
Sako TRG - Wikipedia
The Sako TRG (short for Finnish: " Tarkkuuskivääri Riihimäki G-sarja ", " Riihimäki Precision Rifle G-series") is a bolt-action sniper rifle line designed and manufactured by Finnish firearms manufacturer SAKO of Riihimäki.
Sako TRG 42
The TRG 42 in 300 Win Mag or .338 Lapua Mag is a true long-range precision competition rifle. Configurations include a black, green, or coyote tan stock with a blued barrel and action or an all-black stealth configuration featuring a black stock and bolt with a blackened barrel and action.
薩科TRG狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
薩科TRG (英語: Sako TRG, 芬兰语 全寫: T arkkuuskivääri R iihimäki G -sarja,意為: 里希邁基 精密步槍G系列)是由位於 芬蘭 里希邁基 的槍械製造商 薩科公司 所研製和生產的一系列 手動 狙擊步槍。 它是薩科TR-6標靶步槍的後繼產品,因此步槍名稱中的字母 G 代表數字 7 (G正是按字母順序排列的第七個字母)。
沙科TRG狙击步枪 - 百度百科
沙科TRG狙击步枪是一支由位于芬兰里希迈基(芬兰语:Riihimäki)的枪械制造商沙科公司研制的手动狙击步枪。 TRG-22发射标准型.308 Winchester 弹药,而TRG-42则装有较大型的 枪机 和 枪管 作为标准组件,以发射 火力 和射程都更强大的.300 温彻斯特马格南(.300 Win Mag,7.62 × 67毫米)和.338 拉普马格南(.338 Lapua,8.6 × 70毫米或8.58 × 70毫米) 弹药。 沙科TRG-22/42狙击步枪可以选择单调的 橄榄绿 、 土黄色 、沙色或 黑色 固定 枪托,也可以选择折叠 …
Sako TRG 42A1 .300 Win Mag 27" 1:10" Bbl Olive Drab Green
2024年11月10日 · The Sako TRG 42A1 exemplifies precision, functionality, and versatility in a single package. Its meticulous design, coupled with its extensive customization options, makes it a desirable choice for serious long-range shooters.
Sako TRG 22A1 for Sale - Best Price - In Stock Deals
The Sako TRG 22 A1 is a precision bolt-action rifle designed for long-range shooting, offering superior accuracy and durability. It features a cold hammer-forged 26" barrel with a 1:8 twist rate, making it ideal for precision in both 6.5 Creedmoor and .308 Win calibers.
Sako Trg 42 - For Sale :: Shop Online - Guns.com
Search the Guns.com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. Filter products to compare by specs and price. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles...