First new Škoda 52T tram for Prague presented
Thirteen months after the signing of the contract between the Prague Public Transit Company and Škoda Group and eight months after the start of production, the first Škoda ForCity Plus 52T tram for Prague has been produced. On 27 January 2025 the new tram rode for the first time on the test track at the Škoda production site in Pilsen.
Škoda 52T – Wikipedie
Škoda 52T (obchodní název Škoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T) je typ tramvaje vyráběné společností Škoda Transportation pro Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy. Dodáno má být 40 kusů s možnou opcí na dalších 160. Škoda 52T je součástí řady ForCity Plus. Jedná se o jednosměrnou plně nízkopodlažní pětičlánkovou tramvaj.
Škoda Group Unveils First Škoda ForCity Plus 52T Tram
2025年1月28日 · Škoda Group has completed production on the first of its new Škoda ForCity Plus 52T trams, giving the vehicle its first ride on a test track at a production site in Pilsen. The tram, which is one of 40 units destined for Prague by 2026, was approved in May 2024, with development and production on the vehicle handled by over 230 separate ...
A new tramway for Prague: Skoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T
The Škoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T is a one-way, five-part, 100% low-floor tram without a single step in the entire passenger compartment, including the space above the bogies, in a modern design created by a team of designers from Škoda Group led by Tomáš Chludil.
Obrazem: nová tramvaj Škoda 52T - Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy ...
Po třinácti měsících od podpisu smlouvy mezi Dopravním podnikem hl. m. Prahy (DPP) a Škoda Group a osm měsíců od zahájení výroby je vyrobena první tramvaj Škoda ForCity Plus 52T pro Prahu, která se dnes poprvé projela na zkušební trati v plzeňském výrobním areálu Škodovky.
How would a short description of the new tram sound? The Škoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T is a one-way, five-link, 100% low-floor tram without a single step in the entire passenger compartment, including the space above the chassis, in a modern design created by a team of designers from the Škoda Group led by Tomáš Chludil.
First Skoda 52T for Prague on the test track
2025年2月3日 · Eight months after the start of production, and 13 months after contract signing, the first of 40 single-ended air-conditioned 52T 32m low-floor trams with rotating bogies appeared on the test track at the Skoda factory in Plzen on 27 January, and should be delivered to the Czech capital Praha (Prague) in April.
Škoda presented first 52T tram for Praha | Railvolution
On 27 January 2025, the Škoda Group presented the first Škoda ForCity Plus 52T tram destined for DPP (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy) to representatives of DPP and the media. Eight months after the start of production and thirteen months after the signing of the contract, the 52T tram began its test runs on the test track at the ...
Škoda Unveils 52T Tram for Prague – Features and Delivery …
2025年1月31日 · Škoda introduces the 52T tram for Prague. This low-floor, five-section model holds 243 passengers and reaches 70 km/h. The first deliveries are set for 2025, enhancing urban mobility.
Škoda ForCity Plus 52T: Prags neue Straßenbahnen starten …
Prag setzt auf einen modernen Nahverkehr: Die neue Straßenbahn Škoda ForCity Plus 52T kombiniert Komfort, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit. Nach ihrer Vorstellung in Pilsen steht sie nun in den Startlöchern für die Testphase in der tschechischen Hauptstadt.