【閒聊】每台T27都有屬於它的一個爛砲兵 — Skoda T 27 1牌RP …
Skoda T 27是一台8階捷克彈匣車,賣點是一次3發240,短裝1.8s。 2. 隱蔽不錯. 3. 還沒想到. 1. 爆發只有720. 2. 長裝世界久. 3. 裝甲只能擋he. 4. 被追著打容易火燒車. 5. 側面爆頭. 6. 浪漫級三擴. 7. 極速只有50. 8. 讓你從頭幹到尾的砲彈落點. 首先炮控的部分,以8階來說不太優,白垂穩+人肉垂穩數值來到0.15/0.16/0.09,雖然不到不能接受,但是要伸縮對炮的部分可能就不太行了,因為車子一動,圈就會變頗大。 視野隱蔽部分,因為不能裝快填所以裝鍍膜,視野來說會比其他中 …
Škoda T 27 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Škoda T 27 is a Czechoslovakian tier 8 premium medium tank. A developmental variant of the Czechoslovakian post-war light tank that featured an autoloader gun. It existed only in blueprints. The vehicle was similar to the T17 light tank project. Premium tank, none required.
WOT丨8700金币的斯柯达你要不要?还升级了3连发弹夹呢!斯柯达T27 …
2022年4月8日 · 游戏里斯柯达T27的主炮是个捷克版的长88炮,带3连发弹夹,小装填只需1.8秒,也就是说它可以在3.6秒里制造720伤害。 除此之外,在比较正常的配置下,斯柯达T27的精度、炮控和扩圈等等相关火控方面的数据也还不错,同时它还有着-8度的俯角,怎么看都是一台合格的8级中坦嘛。 小装填快,偷一梭子还挺开心的. 在实际玩的过程中,我个人感觉在中近距离上,斯柯达T27的这门炮表现还可以,如果细瞄的话体验会更好一些(我为了强化手感,带了瞄具)。 …
Škoda T 27 - skill4ltu Index
2021年3月9日 · This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for Škoda T 27. Skill4ltu's note: Level IV: If this does not change the dispersion, leave simply empty. Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each. As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have become much easier.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
Škoda T 27 Tier VIII Premium Czech Medium Tank Support
Is the skoda T27 worth it? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2022年3月24日 · It’s not a bad tank, but it’s clearly just a straight downgrade from the progetto.
Škoda T 27 - World of Tanks Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2025年3月2日 · 最高速度は50km/hと平凡だが、TVP VTUを大きく上回る900馬力のエンジンを搭載しており、加速力は良好。 ただし、履帯性能がやや悪い為、数値よりももっさり気味の印象を受けるので注意。 チェコ中戦車ルートのTier9以降の特徴である瞬間火力型オートローダー戦車である。 速い発射間隔とそれを十分に生かせる加速力を持ち合わせており、オートローダーのセオリー通りに序盤は被弾を避けつつ火力支援に徹し、中盤以降でHP交換で相手に打撃を与 …
How's Skoda T 27 ? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2022年1月26日 · Just a word of warning: the experience of Skoda T27 pales in comparison to its higher tier counterparts, Skoda T50 and TVP. It just does not dish out as much pain as the latter two, and the label "worse Progetto" that some others commentators have …
Škoda T 27 — Tier VIII European medium tank - Blitz Hangar
Low HP, Average DPM, Penetration 194, Damage 220, Reload time 15.96 (Auto-loader), Precise, Fast, Good mobility, Good view range. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
Škoda T 27 – GuidesBlitz
Škoda T 27 is a tier 8 Czech medium tank. Its one of the most potent tier 8 autoloaders, being very accurate and able to burst out 660 damage in just 3 seconds. It also has great mobility and good gun depression, but lacks armour. Is it worth getting? The tank is shown against HE due to it being very lightly armoured.
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