Fierce and Feathered: the Skuas of Antarctica - Oceanwide …
The monofilament noose is placed on the ground within skua territory and is surrounded by raw meat to attract the birds. When a skua's legs looks like it is inside the noose, the line is …
大賊鷗 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大賊鷗 (學名: Stercorarius skua)是 賊鷗科 賊鷗屬 的一種候鳥,分佈於大西洋北至中部沿岸地區。 成鳥數量約有32,600-34,500隻 [2]。 繁殖於挪威至 斯瓦爾巴群島 、 法羅群島 到丹麥、 …
Great skua - Wikipedia
The great skua (Stercorarius skua), sometimes known by the name bonxie in Britain, is a large seabird in the skua family Stercorariidae. It is roughly the size of a herring gull. It mainly eats …
South Polar Skua - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
Adults are greyish brown above and have a whitish or straw-brown head and underparts. They have longish bills with a hooked tip and webbed feet with sharp claws. They look like large …
In 1956, an international mark-recapture (leg-ringing) programme was initiated to quantify skua movement patterns and demography across 16 separate geographic regions (Eklund 1961). …
The long-tailed skua (Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill.) is an inland-breeding larid, which feeds mainly on small terrestrial vertebrates during the breeding season (L0ppenthin 1943). In …
Home - PolarTag
Right tarsus metal tag 08937 on dead skua. ... Leg with Bulgarian band at Deception Island. Bird, Antarctic Peninsula, Noah Strycker. Tagged Weddell seal at Cape Bird, Ross Island, Ross …
Skua | Marine & Freshwater Wiki - Fandom
Size: Skuas range in size from medium to large, with a wingspan of about 110 to 140 centimeters (43 to 55 inches) and a body length of 50 to 63 centimeters (20 to 25 inches). Body Structure: …
Parasitic Jaeger or Arctic Skua - Oiseaux-Birds
Underwing-coverts, bill and legs are dark in all adults, like the pointed central rectrices forming tail projection. However, juveniles have shorter one. There is a pale frontal blaze contrasting with …
skua may have the leg and foot colour of the Coromandel bird in their second or third year, arctic skua have this colour as juveniles only as their tarsometatarsus is always 30-90% black by …
South Polar Skua - oiseaux-birds.com
Legs and feet are dark grey. The adult in dark morph has dark brown to blackish body, head and neck. Wings and back are sepia, with less contrast than in pale morph.
Great skua - Scottish Wildlife Trust
The great skua is a large, heavy seabird, roughly the size of a herring gull. At a distance the great skua looks stout and dark with streaks or dapples of gold/yellow and a dark grey cap. They …
South Polar skua | New Zealand Birds Online
A medium-sized stocky gull-like bird with a black hooked stubby bill, black eyes and legs, and long broad pointed wings each with a distinctive white outerwing patch. There are three plumage …
Bird - Australian Gulls,Skuas - OzAnimals
The South Polar Skua is a large seabird. Adult birds are greyish brown above, and have a whitish or pale brown head and underside. The lighter head and darker body distinguishes it from …
Juvenile skua photo ID guide - BirdGuides
2019年8月31日 · This young Pomarine Skua really catches the eye with its heavy, ponderous structure comprising a large rotund body, large heavy head and neck, stout bill and short legs. …
Photos of the wrecked Skua at the FAA museum Yeovilton
Photos of the wreck of Blackburn Skua L2940 at the FAA Museum, Yeovilton. The purpose of this page is to illustrate some of the points in my document about the outline of panels and access …
Große Raubmöwe – Wikipedia
Die Große Raubmöwe (Stercorarius skua, Syn.: Catharacta skua), oft kurz, aber mehrdeutig Skua genannt, ist ein Meeresvogel aus der Familie Stercorariidae. In Mitteleuropa ist die Große …
Språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt (SKUA)
Språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt (SKUA) är ett samlingsnamn för teoretiskt förankrade, strukturerade och interaktiva arbetsformer. Det övergripande syftet är att erbjuda barn och …
Centrala teorier, begrepp och arbetssätt i SKUA
Ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt (SKUA) är gynnsamt för många elever, men nödvändigt för elever som utvecklar svenska som ett andraspråk. Ibland kallas det för att …
Språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt i olika ämnen
Mycket av det som skrivits om språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt (SKUA) är relevant för alla åldrar och ämnen. Ofta får det att anpassa aktiviteter och stöttning till olika ämnesinnehåll …