Supersonic Low Altitude Missile - Wikipedia
The Supersonic Low Altitude Missile or SLAM was a U.S. Air Force nuclear weapons project conceived around 1955, and cancelled in 1964. SLAMs were conceived of as unmanned …
AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER - Wikipedia
The AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER (Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response) is an advanced stand off precision-guided, air-launched cruise missile produced by Boeing Defense, Space & …
SLAM - Encyclopedia Astronautica
SLAM was a wingless design optimized for Mach 3+ flight at 300 m (1000 ft) altitude. It featured a ventral air intake for the ramjet, three fixed stabilizing fins at the rear, and three small all …
美国SLAM (冥王星)导弹介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SLAM 是一种无翼设计,针对3米(300英尺)高度的1000+马赫飞行进行了优化。 它具有腹侧进气口,用于 冲压发动机,后部有三个固定的稳定鳍片,尖端附近有三个小型全动控制鳍片。 …
防区外精确打击空射巡航导弹-SLAM-ER - 脉脉
2021年2月2日 · SLAM-ER导弹是一种全天候、超视距、高度精确的空射常规亚音速巡航导弹,是美国海军一直使用的防区外精确制导武器,也是深受美国国会喜爱的“金牌”武器。 SLAM-ER …
SLAM Was the Armageddon Cruise Missile From Hell - Popular Mechanics
2017年11月29日 · SLAM was envisioned as an air-breathing, nuclear powered cruise missile that would penetrate enemy airspace at low altitude, drop nuclear bombs on enemy targets, then …
An Atmospheric Nuclear Ramjet: the Supersonic Low Altitude Missile
In the SLAM ramjet concept, air passes directly through the reactor core and is then expelled through the nozzle. If the ramjet is to fly over allied territory, it is imperative to minimize …
The AGM-84K SLAM-ER is an air-launched, day/night, adverse-weather, over-the-horizon, precision strike missile that provides a long range option for pre-planned and target of …
SLAM Supersonic Low-Altitude Missile - GlobalSecurity.org
Several TERCOM fixes could be made as SLAM proceeded to multiple targets. Extensive flight testing over all types of terrain, with and without snow cover, verified that accurate missile …
斯拉姆导弹 - 百度百科
斯拉姆导弹可利用预先计划的作战任务数据攻击陆地预选目标、重新定位的目标或停泊于港口的舰艇,它也可用机遇目标方式毁伤海上舰艇.一般,一枚导弹对海攻击时有三个预选目标和一个 …