The next evolution of dock application launcher - Sliderdock
SliderDock is an application launcher that will allow you to easily drag and drop icons to access them later on by double clicking on them. It is a unique dock where you won't have to chase behind you icons to run an application. Just rotate your mouse wheel and let …
SliderDock - Wikipedia
SliderDock is a freeware application launcher for Microsoft Windows [1] that uses a wheel-like interface to organize icons. When the user scrolls with the mouse wheel, the icons rotate towards a fixed point so the user can access a specific icon.
SliderDock for Windows - Free download and software reviews - CNET …
2012年2月13日 · SliderDock is a application launcher for windows in the shape of a 3D wheel. This dock focus on making the access to icons easier by making them rotate toward a single focused point on the screen...
SliderDock 1.22 - Download, Review, Screenshots - Softpedia
2012年8月2日 · SliderDock is a freeware Windows application launcher that creates fully configurable rings on your desktop to easily launch a program.
SliderDock for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for free
Download SliderDock for Windows for free. A 3D round dock for your desktop. Docks and bars are becoming famous and very used, that's why we are watching...
Tutorial - Sliderdock
2010年9月28日 · tutorial2 customizing SliderDock looks; tutorial3 portable mode; tutorial4 reorganizing icons order *updated; tutorial5 about the "priority change during loading" option; tutorial6 Shader Effects; tutorial7 multiple rings; advanced user : tutorial8 HD icons *New
SliderDock Download - Application launcher with a unique design
SliderDock (SliderDock.exe). SliderDock is an application launcher. It takes the form of rings composed by icons...
Faq - SliderDock
I found on youtube and on forums users distributing SliderDock through rapidshare, megaupload and other file sharing websites. Those links are not safe as it is not possible to know what those users did with the files before posting them online. Please download SliderDock here …
SliderDock para Windows - Descarga gratis en Uptodown
Descarga gratis SliderDock para Windows. Un dock circular en 3D para ejecutar programas. Los 'docks' o barras de acceso directo a programas son cada vez...
アイコンが3D風に回転するアプリケーションランチャー「SliderDock」 | フリーソフトラボ.com
「SliderDock」は、3D状の回転するリングに配置されたアイコンからアプリケーションを起動できるランチャー。 立体的なリング状デザインは見た目がよく、フォントや文字色、背景画像を変えることで外観も変更でき、デスクトップの雰囲気に合うアクセサリ ...
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