Why is C so fast, and why aren't other languages as fast or faster?
It is not so much that C is fast as that C's cost model is transparent. If a C program is slow, it is slow in an obvious way: by executing a lot of statements. Compared with the cost of …
performance - Why does my C code run slow? - Stack Overflow
2009年2月20日 · Thanks for all your inputs. You are absolutely right: It's algorithms that can slow things (drastically). Though a little performance gain can be achieved by coding practices - I …
performance - How to speed up printf in C - Stack Overflow
2017年11月3日 · Printf seems to be really slow as the program can generate the list of primes in about 0.035 s but then takes a further 11 seconds to print the list. Is there anyway I can speed …
c - printf slows down my program - Stack Overflow
2014年1月26日 · Console output is by definition slow, creating a hash is only manipulating a few bytes of memory. Console output needs to go through many layers of the operating system, …
Performance - C program takes way longer to run on VS code …
2021年12月13日 · @Someprogrammerdude: C 2018 7.21.3 3 says, for line-buffered streams, “… characters are intended to be transmitted as a block to the host environment when a buffer is …
Why does C++ compilation take so long? - Stack Overflow
C is slow. It suffers from the same header parsing problem as is the accepted solution. E.g. take a simple windows GUI program that includes windows.h in a few compilation unit, and measure …
Why is C slow with function calls? - Stack Overflow
2010年8月13日 · It's slow if your code is sparse and your functions are very small. This is the case of the Fibonacci function. However, you have to make a difference between "slow calls" …
slow down program output c programming - Stack Overflow
2014年4月1日 · If you want to have extremely slow terminal output, run your program on Windows' shell. But in reality, usleep(1000000) will give you 1s of delay which should be slow …
What things (or in what cases) can make C++ slower than C
2012年5月27日 · There's nothing inherently slower about C++ versus C, but still, idiomatic C++ code tends to be a lot slower and heavier than idiomatic C code doing the same task. The …
C# Regex Performance very slow - Stack Overflow
2001年7月13日 · Very slow regex perfomance? 13. Regex taking surprisingly long time. 2.Net Regex performance issues. 1.