Small Tabs - Chrome Web Store
Makes all tabs small! Reduces tab anxiety by making all tabs as small as possible!
epfl-dlab/GoogleTrendsAnchorBank: Google Trends, made easy. - GitHub
Google Trends allows users to analyze the popularity of Google search queries across time and space. Despite the overall value of Google Trends, data scientists face certain problems when …
Amazon.com: Small Grab Bar
Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazon’s store. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazon’s commitment to empowering them. Only 1 …
[測試中] 英文字彙輸入法(快速英文字彙輸出,亦可改作為中英混 …
2010年8月1日 · american-english-small (gtab檔,cin檔) 這個版本字較多,大約有50000多字。 由於eliu兄最近為gtab自動選字加了相當優秀的新功能,可讓打英文句子相當流暢, 所以這個 …
Releases · ShibaGT/BigAndSmall - GitHub
gtag mod for sizing yourself up and down, like those jman videos! - Releases · ShibaGT/BigAndSmall.
mjkahlke/gtab: A guitar tab generator - GitHub
gtab is a utility that takes a chord name and generates tablature notation (tab) for playing it on a six-string guitar in standard tuning. It can be invoked either as a command line application or …
gcin for Android 教學 (3):掛載新版行列輸入法模組
下載 .gtab 輸入法模組. 首先進入本人 github 的 gcin 行列30 或行列10 輸入法鍵碼表頁面(如圖 1),裡面有副檔名為 .gtab 的東西,就是最新版的行列輸入法模組。 圖1:選擇想要下載的行 …
Spigot - ⭐GTab⭐ - Dynamic Tablist Plugin || [1.8-1.16.1]
Block_233 submitted a new resource: GTab - Powerful and small custom Tablist plugin :D
GTAB [Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas] [Modding Tools]
A Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA:SA) Modding Tool in the Other/Misc category, submitted by Arman Ossi Loko.
關於1.5.5-pre14的新功能 - hyperrate.com
2010年8月1日 · 小弟今天在想有什麼方法可以更精緻化這個功能,好讓「gtab緩衝區可以流暢地打出英文句子」。 目前歸納出來的結論是: 有英文字和英文字之間才需要加空白鍵 。