EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) - Southern Maine Community …
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics respond to emergency calls, performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities. Employment opportunities are available with municipal and private ambulances, fire …
Paramedicine offers an exciting and challenging career within the field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Paramedics are members of the healthcare team that provides advanced-level care using standing orders, clinical judgment and medical direction of a physician.
EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Short-Term Training - Southern Maine …
Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide basic emergency medical care and transportation through lectures, practical labs, and clinical experience. Upon successful course completion, students are eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certification exam, at the EMT level.
EMT | Emergency Medical Services | My SMCC - Southern Maine Community ...
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course prepares the student to enter the realm of emergency medical services (EMS). The EMT course is a necessity for personnel that wish to work on an ambulance, but also benefits fire fighters, police officers, industrial safety personnel and other healthcare professions.
Southern Maine Community College EMS Department
Southern Maine Community College EMS Department, South Portland, Maine. 1,070 likes · 1 talking about this · 77 were here. The Southern Maine Community College Emergency Medical Services Department...
EMST 125 02 - Emergency Medical Technician - Southern Maine Community ...
Upon successful course completion, students are eligible to take the National Registry of EMT's certification examinations. Students will perform interventions necessary to provide patient care and transportation including basic level patient assessment, airway management and oxygen administration, CPR, spinal immobilization, shock management ...
EMT Basic Courses - Southern Maine Community College
SMCC is Maine’s largest, oldest and most diverse community college with nearly 6,000 students, over 40 degree programs, 2 campuses and 7 satellite locations. Get to know us better. More »
Training Centers | Maine Emergency Medical Services
As of January 1, 2010 courses leading to EMS licensure that are held in Maine must be conducted by a Maine EMS Authorized Training Center. The Maine State EMS office does not directly deliver EMS licensure classes. All Paramedic programs must also be CAAHEP accredited, a process separate from Maine EMS training center licensure.
EMT - Main View | EMT | Emergency Medical Services | My SMCC
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course prepares the student to enter the realm of emergency medical services (EMS). The EMT course is a necessity for personnel that wish to work on an ambulance, but also benefits fire fighters, police officers, industrial safety personnel and other healthcare professions.
EMT-Basic - Southwest Mississippi Community College Workforce …
The SMCC Workforce Training Center has trained numerous EMTs and Advanced EMTs who have become valued employees for AAA. We also appreciate being able to schedule some of our own training when we need a larger venue.