Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering
Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering was established in 2006 with an aim to accomplish distinction in Engineering and Technological pursuits.
College Automation Package
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Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering - smce.ac.in
Automation software (ECAP) is available in the LIbrary for issuing the books to the students and faculty . Total Number of Systems present in Digital library are 50.
DSP28335学习记录(五)——eCAP、eQEP - CSDN博客
2022年6月28日 · 本文记录 dsp28335 的eCAP、eQEP的配置方法: F28335 内含有 6 组 eCAP 模块。 每个模块有两种模式:APWM,捕获模式。 如果 eCAP 模块不用作 输入捕获,可以将它用来产生一个单通道的 PWM。 计数 器工作在计数增模式,可以提供时基能产生不同占空比的 PWM。 CAP1 与 CAP2 寄存器作为主要的周期和比较寄存器,CAP3 与 CAP4 寄存器作为周期和比较寄存器 的影子寄存器,其原理框图如下: 28335中已经有6路增强PWM了,基本上用不上这个。 …
Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering - smce.ac.in
Why Choose SMCE ECE: Qualified & Experienced Faculty. Industry ready course content. Well planned academic curriculum. Course delivery through real world applications. Career Prospects.
Adhikrit ERP - smce.ac.in
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College Automation Package
Sem End exams notification given., Exam Notifications, Time tables, Results etc. can get from WhatsApp channel "USHA RAMA EXAMS"., You can contact your HoD to get the link of channel "USHA RAMA EXAMS", Last date to register for 4-1 Supply & 4-2 regular is 11-03-25., Last date to register for 3-1 Supply & 3-2 regular is 21-03-25. , Last date to register for 2-1 Supply & 2-2 regular is 04-04-25.
College Automation Package
College Automation Package
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DSP TMS320F2803x 增强型捕获模块(eCAP) - CSDN博客
2020年10月12日 · TI公司的TMS320F280049是一款高性能、低功耗的C28x DSP,它集成了丰富的外设,如增强型捕获(eCap)模块,以满足各种控制应用的需求。本文将深入探讨TMS320F280049中的eCap功能,以及如何利用它进行开发。 eCap,即...