Super Mario Logan - Reddit
SML videos are rarely known to be emotional or depressing. I miss when SML made emotional videos as well, as just trying too hard to be funny. Videos like Jeffy's Parents, Joseph's Mom, and Bowser Junior's Military School Part 2 are undoubtably remembered for being some of the best SML videos ever made, and they are some of the saddest videos.
my honest thoughts on sml : r/supermariologan_ - Reddit
2022年8月6日 · it's not a nostalgia thing for old sml infact my first exposure to sml was Jeffy but as I got older I saw the flaws much clearer also the Jeffy Era is when I first started to watch sml so most (if not all) the videos I saw at the time were Jeffy however I will admit that there were some ok to good videos but a few ok/good videos doesn't …
To The People Complaining About How "SML Isn't As Good As It
Idk what y'all have been talking about. Ive loved and enjoyed SML (every single video) for years since Black Yoshi and the Birds started as a series, and I dont say this to "flex", I say this to emphasize this: I have always enjoyed SML, even when the videos were dogshit. So I don't really get how intense some of the complaining is.
Top 5 controversial SML videos. : r/supermariologan_ - Reddit
2021年7月26日 · /r/h3h3productions is the home of the H3 Podcast on reddit! This subreddit is for fans of the show to discuss recent episodes, share memes, suggest segments or interesting topics, and whatever else related to the show! This being a sub for fans of the show, I'm warning you with peace and love that weirdo hate watchers will be tossed!
The ULTIMATE sml characters tier list! : r/supermariologan_ - Reddit
Yes especially rose because she’s the most annoying character in my opinion. She’s part of the biggest couple in SML but is the worst girlfriend/wife anyone could ever have, there’s absolutely no reason why Marvin and rose should’ve lasted as long as they did.
Sml Ideas : r/supermariologan_ - Reddit
2024年1月17日 · Sml: Future kids part 2 (I made a part 1 a few days ago) Plot: After Feebee (jeffy daughter from the future) switches on Cody machine more kids from the future show up and there are even more surprises in store. Abraham Goodman is the son of Richard Goodman and his secretly. Abraham is a aloof boy who just wants to make a difference in the world.
SML is and always has been better than SMG4 : …
2022年4月22日 · That’s a bit of a statement, as SML has rarely even listened to the fans. But SMG4 has done videos with fans before. Not to mention SML normally only even has 1 character ever focused on (Jeffy or Junior) While SMG4 has multiple characters used in videos, in multiple different settings (and doesn’t have a character swearing every minute)
r/sml_fandom - Reddit
As the video stars i see nothing but just the old house...the video ends and goes to sml movie:logans death. Its too gory so i close off and go to bed. march 19 2017.i woke up i saw a jeffy puppet on my bed.i grab it and said"fuck it its mine now"whoever left it there gave me a free puppet.i show my parents next thing i see is my whole parents ripped in pieces.my jeffy puppet grabs a knife and ...
[Discussion Thread] SML Movie: Shrek’s Endless Cheesecake!
129 votes, 115 comments. 16K subscribers in the supermariologan_ community. This is a fan page for the YouTuber SML.
I swear there’s more people here who hate sml than people
That’s because people are allowed to criticize. People don’t hate SML. They want to see it improve. Criticism is not hate. They criticize things and point out ways it could’ve been better because let’s be honest, SML does need to be improved especially in most recent years.