2022年8月4日 · I “started” an SMMA as a complete beginner too at 17 after watching a bunch of online bullshit. I was a complete failure because I couldn’t actually deliver anything that I promised. Go actually learn a skill and THEN monetize it. I’d recommend something besides SMMA (or a specific niche within that) as it’s extremely saturated.
How do you PRACTICALLY create an SMMA? : r/DigitalMarketing
2023年10月6日 · I run an agency and work with lots of marketing agencies as clients. Let me take a stab at it. Lots of gurus/coaches focus on the sales part of building an SMMA because that's by far the hardest part and where most SMMA's fail to launch. The second biggest issue is actually delivering on the service.
My journey so far down the SMMA / digital marketing agency
I have decided (not just now but a while ago) to start a SMMA (social media marketing agency) / digital marketing agency in 2022. I have been in business locally and on a small scale for a while but this is the first time I can see clearly how I can scale and grow and global organisation.
r/SMMA_Novel - Reddit
r/SMMA_Novel) Novel Translation subreddit! I know that the earlier chapters of my translation aren't as good as a professional MTL version, but I'm putting in a lot of effort to improve as I go on. If you're patient and keep reading, I hope you'll notice the difference. I'm planning to release one chapter per day.
Aleksa Jovanovic SMMA kurs - iskustva : r/srbija - Reddit
2023年10月17日 · To su ciste gluposti. Da krenemo od toga da pre otvaranja SMMA-a i ulaska u celu tu pricu moras imati debelo znanje ( sto on i nema toliko, covek zivi od prodaja kursa i svaka mu cast na tome), moras imati odlicne komunikacione sposobnosti i da usmes da prodas sebe i svoju pricu. Bez svega toga se ni ne pocinje ovaj biznis.
r/SMMA_Novel on Reddit: I'm Translating Surviving as a Mage in …
2023年10月28日 · Welcome to 'Surviving as a Mage in an Magic Academy' (r/SMMA_Novel) Novel Translation subreddit! I know that the earlier chapters of my translation aren't as good as a professional MTL version, but I'm putting in a lot of effort to improve as I go on. If you're patient and keep reading, I hope you'll notice the difference.
r/SMMA_Owners - Reddit
2019年12月9日 · This community is for Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) OR Digital Marketing Agency owners & aspiring owners. The purpose of this channel is to provide an outlet for continued learning, conversation, motivation, etc. for anyone interested in starting or growing their marketing agency! ALL brought to you by Cereal Entrepreneur | …
2020年6月3日 · 13 votes, 12 comments. true. I have done cold calls to build my business to close several clients in an industry which has very bad close rates- software for logistics.
SMMA in 2024 : r/SMMA - Reddit
2024年5月2日 · Unlock Your Potential with SMMA: Join Our Newsletter Today! Why Join? Practical Guidance: Step-by-step guides and actionable advice on client acquisition, retention, social media strategies, and campaign optimization. Industry Trends: Updates on the latest trends, tools, and technologies in the SMMA industry. Who Should Join?
How to price your SMMA services? : r/SocialMediaMarketing
2020年7月30日 · Hey guys, I'm looking to start my own SMMA agency, only providing Facebook (+ Instagram) and Google Ads. I have researched a bit on this, but I just found 1000 different types of pricing that scrambled my brain. I just want something simple and efficient. My question is how to price my services for smaller and bigger budgets?