Hedgehog signaling in tissue homeostasis, cancers and targeted ...
2023年8月18日 · Smo activation requires two mechanisms: first, Smo needs to be translocated to primary cilia, a microtubule-based organelle (Fig. 3); second, Smo localized to cilia undergoes...
Structural dynamics of Smoothened (SMO) in the ciliary …
2022年8月1日 · Cholesterol and PI4P may help SMO to anchor to the ciliary membrane. The Smoothened receptor (SMO, a 7 pass transmembrane domain, Class F GPCR family protein) plays a crucial role in the Hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway, which is involved in embryonic development and is implicated in various types of cancer throughout the animal kingdom.
Vertebrate Smoothened functions at the primary cilium
2005年10月13日 · Here we show that mammalian Smoothened (Smo), a seven-transmembrane protein essential for Hh signalling, is expressed on the primary cilium. This ciliary expression is regulated by Hh pathway activity; Sonic hedgehog or activating mutations in Smo promote ciliary localization, whereas the Smo antagonist cyclopamine inhibits ciliary localization.
Structural dynamics of Smoothened (SMO) in the ciliary ... - PubMed
2022年8月1日 · The Smoothened receptor (SMO, a 7 pass transmembrane domain, Class F GPCR family protein) plays a crucial role in the Hedgehog (HH) signaling pathway, which is involved in embryonic development and is implicated in various types of cancer throughout the animal kingdom.
Vertebrate Smoothened functions at the primary cilium - Nature
2005年8月31日 · Here we show that mammalian Smoothened (Smo), a seven-transmembrane protein essential for Hh signalling 3, is expressed on the primary cilium. This ciliary expression is regulated...
Small molecule inhibitors of Smoothened ciliary localization and ... - PNAS
2012年8月3日 · We developed a microscopy-based high throughput screen for small molecules that inhibit ciliogenesis or Smo localization to cilia using IMCD3 cells stably expressing Smo-YFP, selected for their ability to produce long cilia. Because overexpression of Smo causes constitutive ciliary localization, the IMCD3 cell line exhibited constitutive ...
Proteomics of Primary Cilia by Proximity Labeling - Cell Press
2015年11月23日 · We present a method that readily captures rapid snapshots of the ciliary proteome by selectively biotinylating ciliary proteins using a cilia-targeted proximity labeling enzyme (cilia-APEX). Besides identifying known ciliary proteins, cilia-APEX uncovered several ciliary signaling molecules.
Establishing and regulating the composition of cilia for signal ...
2019年4月4日 · After introducing how cilia establish their unique proteome and lipidome, we examine the mechanisms that regulate protein entry into and exit out of cilia and how they dynamically control...
Beta-arrestin-mediated localization of smoothened to the ... - PubMed
2008年6月27日 · In mammalian cells, Smo-dependent signaling requires translocation to primary cilia. We demonstrated that beta-arrestins mediate the activity-dependent interaction of Smo and the kinesin motor protein Kif3A.
Lateral transport of Smoothened from the plasma membrane to …
2009年11月2日 · Surface Smo enters cilia before intracellular Smo in response to Shh. Antibodies can alter the trafficking behavior of proteins, so we used a completely independent method to label Smo and follow its transport.