Shelf life of smokeless powder once opened - SASS Wire Forum
2013年7月29日 · Recommendations for Storage of Smokeless Powder. STORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. Be sure the storage area selected is free from any possible sources of excess heat …
45/70 Best smokeless powder - SASS Wire Forum
2012年1月1日 · Tipping the rifle up so the powder is resting against the primer will help, but it is still dependent on getting the positioning consistantly. The relatively slower powders like 3031, …
Black powder lube bullets - SASS Wire - SASS Wire Forum
2024年10月24日 · In my experience, modern Smokeless lubes do not perform well with Black Powder, the lube combines with the BP fouling to form a crusty deposit in the bore, which is …
moderns smokeless in 1880s SAA - SASS Wire Forum
2013年4月10日 · Black powder burns. Smokeles powder explodes. Even very light loads of smokeless powder or the abortive "duplex" loads, a mixture of black and smokeless, are bad …
Homemade smokeless-powder? - Survivalist Forum
2021年8月31日 · This was the reply I was expecting tbh, and I 100% agree. Smokeless powder is a beast compared to black powder, black powder was fired out of bamboo and hardwood …
Best Smokeless Powder for .44 WCF - Page 2 - SASS Wire Forum
2019年11月25日 · 60 - H-4198 - Bulk powder, mild pressures accurate out to 100 yards. 63 - Reloder 7 - Bulk powder, very accurate, replicates original velocity/pressure loads to greater …
Smokeless powder Light Load Danger? - SASS Wire Forum
2022年1月24日 · I was told today that it's dangerous to shoot light loads of smokeless powder. I never heard that previously, but was told/warned that the danger arises from the powder in …
Anyone have a favorite smokeless powder 45Colt load
2016年11月3日 · Edit: Last night it dawned on me that when I first started shooting 45 Colt I was using smokeless powder and already have loads for the 200g bullets so I am mainly interested …
Can you make your own smokeless powder? | Survivalist Forum
2014年3月26日 · What you will end up with is totally raw first-generation smokeless powder of a 19th century quality. Don't even conteplate trying to duplicate Clays or IMR4891. More likely …
Smokeless powder ammo in old guns - SASS Wire Forum
2023年4月24日 · Black Powder Rifles adapted for use with smokeless powders, pending calibers, would use cooler burning "Bulk for Bulk" smokeless powders like Dupont's No. 1 "rifle" and No. …