素海霖 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
素海霖 (英語: So Hoi-lam Erena,1997年2月9日 —), 原名 蘇凱琳[2][3], 香港 女演員及 AV女優。 2023年3月15日以 和名 繪麗奈 (日语: 絵麗奈/エレナ Erena * /?)經 FALENO star 公司於 日本 出道,成為香港史上進軍 日本色情界 第一人 [4],同時亦成為該片商首位外籍女優 [5][6]。 2016年於香港 大名娛樂 旗下以藝名 蘇浵[1][2] 出道,2017年曾出演歌手 劉浩龍 單曲《不一定》 音樂影片 的女主角 [7][8],同年亦曾參演由 耀榮文化 製作的首部香港電影《鱷魚談 ( …
素海霖 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
素海霖 (英文: Erena So, 1997年 2月9號 —),本名 蘇凱琳[1],曾用藝名 蘇浵 (大名娛樂 時期) [2],係 香港 女演員,亦係史上首位香港嘅日本AV女優。 素海霖喺香港土生土長。 2016年,佢用「蘇浵」個名加入 大名娛樂 做旗下藝人,期間曾參演港產片《鱷魚談》(其他演員包括 廖子妤 、 談善言 同 布志綸 等等),但套戲一路都未上畫。 恢復自由身後,2021年佢用自己真名「蘇凱琳」接拍港產片《#PTGF出租女友》,成為佢嘅影壇出道作品。 之後佢再改用「素海霖 …
Hong Kong's first AV actress reveals dislike for foreign men and ...
18th March 2023 – (Hong Kong) The announcement that So Hoi-lam, known professionally as Erena, had become the first AV actress in Hong Kong caused a significant spike in her popularity. Some netizens uncovered a video clip of Elina being interviewed by DJ Eric two years ago, during which Erena frequently discussed AV and even revealed that ...
Born And Raised In Hong Kong – Newcomer Erina AV debut (2023)
2023年4月7日 · Erena’s debut, 26 years old, from Hong Kong. The first Hong Kong actress to ever debut in JAV. Before this, she was a proper Hong Kong actress that did a couple of movies under the name of 蘇凱琳 (So Hoi-lam).
Adult video star talks the talk as buildup sizzles with controversy
The first Hong Kong-born porn star to debut in Japan, Erena So Hoi-lam, is talking up a storm as her film nears its release. "I genuinely love sex so I'm turning my interest into a career," the 24-year-old told media in Hong Kong yesterday.
素海霖IG更新!改名絵麗奈「終極一脫」成為日本首位港產AV女優 …
2023年3月16日 · 素海霖最近易名為「絵麗奈Erena (繪麗奈)」,成為日本新晉女優,近日成功引起關注,而呢位女優的最大賣點便是「土生土長香港人」,成為了片商Faleno Star的首位外藉洋將。 而且她的確於香港長大,所以能操流利的廣東話,有唔少網民都望能在影片中聽見她講廣東話,一定份外有親切感。 而藝名「絵麗奈 (繪麗奈) 」 的原因,便是其讀音為「Erena」,正正便是素海霖的英文名。 而早在未成為一名真正女優前,素海霖作風都相當大膽,不時都會在IG上post出 …
How entering Japan's adult video industry empowered Hong Kong …
Erena So Hoi-lam is the first woman from Hong Kong to enter the Japanese adult video (AV) industry, making her debut in 2022 after finding little success in mainstream entertainment in Hong Kong.…
Erena So reveals first commercial shoot and discusses her AV …
19th May 2023 – (Hong Kong) Since news broke of Erena So Hoi-lam, Hong Kong’s first Japanese AV actress, her popularity has skyrocketed. As a result, advertisers have taken notice, and today Su Him Lam filmed her first commercial endorsing men’s health products. She invited media outlets to cover the event today.
Hong Kong porn actress Erena So in Japan wants to change …
2023年4月10日 · Hong Kong model and aspiring actress Erena So Hoi-lam shocked many in the city last month by announcing her entry into Japan’s pornographic video industry. It was not a decision made on a whim.
How entering Japan's adult video industry empowered Hong Kong …
2023年4月10日 · Erena So Hoi-lam is the first woman from Hong Kong to enter the Japanese adult video (AV) industry, making her debut in 2022 after finding little success in mainstream entertainment in Hong Kong.