So - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
We use so + that as a conjunction to introduce clauses of reason and explanation: They both went on a diet so that they could play more football with their friends. We also use so + adjective or …
punctuation - When do we need to put a comma after "so" at the ...
2011年6月19日 · So again, the best simple rule-of-thumb is to avoid comma-after-so (indeed comma after any FANBOYS) at the beginning of a sentence, immediately following a semicolon, or immediately following a comma. That will nearly always align you with great writers and editors.
Do You Use a Comma Before “So”? - Grammarly
2022年9月30日 · Do You Use a Comma Before “So”? Should you place a comma before so when it joins two clauses in a sentence? The answer depends on whether the clause introduced by so is an independent or dependent clause. If so begins an independent clause, a comma should precede it, but if it begins a dependent clause, leave it out.
英语语法丨So的多种用法总结,干货满满 - 知乎
1.‘so’ and ‘neither’ short answers. 我们可以用so表示“同样,也是”的意思. 例:“I like this film” “So do I.” “I’m tired” “So am I.” She’s got a happy face and so has he. 在问句中,跟so在一起的动词发挥着 助动词 的作用,如果没有助动词,我们就用do。
So Tell Me—When Is It Correct to Use - GrammarBook.com
Identify whether each use of so is an adverb, a conjunction, an adjective, or a pronoun. 1.
Learn English Grammar: How to use SO & SO THAT - YouTube
2015年3月6日 · In this grammar lesson, we will look at when and how to use "so", "so that" and "so _____ that". After watching the video, test your knowledge by doing the quiz SO THAT you can evaluate how...
Comma Before or After So | Rules & Examples - Scribbr
2023年3月18日 · When “so” is used to mean “therefore” (or “for that reason” or “because of that”), it’s classed as a coordinating conjunction connecting two independent clauses. When coordinating conjunctions (e.g., “so,” “and”) connect independent clauses, a comma is always needed.
so when-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
通过email 练习, 您将学习语言的技术层面, 因此当您需要开口的时候您会感到轻松, 对语法的运用更加自信. Okay, so when can you start? 好吧,什么时候你能开始? so when this particular tingling came, i answered right away. 所以当这种特定的鸣响来时我正确地接听到了。 He left the office agitated, so when I heard the news... 他离开我办公室的时候很激动, 所以当听到这消息时... All the rooms are on the higher floors, so when it? s bedtime, it's quiet too.
so 和 so that 省略后的 so 很容易混淆,但它们有一个基本的区别
so 和 so that 都是连词,用来连接两,然而,就其用途而言,它们有一个基本的区别。 I was hungry, so I ate. 我饿了,所以我吃了。 The printer was broken, so we couldn’t use it. 打印机坏了,所以我们不能用。 They were tired, so they went to bed early. 他们很累,所以很早就上床睡觉了。 I have some money, so I want to buy a new car. 我有一些钱,所以我想买一辆新车。 He ran very fast, so we couldn’t see him exactly. 他跑得很快,所以我们看不清他。
So when - English Grammar - English - The Free Dictionary
2019年7月17日 · 'so' is a bit like a pronoun, referring back to a previous statement, meaning 'that is true'. We are all likely to experience pain during our lives and particularly (especially) this happens (we experience pain) when we are unwell or in hospital.