SoCS 2020 - search-conference.org
17:15 - 18:15: Community Meeting + Closing (Join the SoCS Forum for the Zoom meeting ID) Proceedings . Online proceedings of SoCS 2020 are available at: https://aaai.org/Library/SOCS/socs20contents.php. Best Papers Awards (Awards Ceremony) Best Paper: An Atom-Centric Perspective on Stubborn Sets (Long),
SoCS 2020
The International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS) is meant to bring researchers in such areas together to exchange their ideas and cross-fertilize the field. SoCS is targeting researchers and submissions in all fields that use combinatorial search, including artificial intelligence, planning, robotics, constraint programming, meta ...
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial ...
2020年5月26日 · The International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS) is meant to bring researchers in such areas together to exchange ideas and crossfertilize the field. SoCS is a forum for researchers and submissions in all fields that use combinatorial search, including artificial intelligence, planning, robotics, constraint programming, metareasoning ...
13th SOCS 2020: Online [Vienna, Austria] - dblp
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, SOCS 2020, Online Conference [Vienna, Austria], 26-28 May 2020. AAAI Press 2020, ISBN 978-1-57735-822-0
SOC 2020 - Office for National Statistics
Standard Occupational Classification 2020: SOC 2020 is the latest update and is divided into three volumes. : outlines the background, resources, concepts and...
26 – 28 May 2020 . Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 Some format issues inherent in the e-media version may also appear in this print version. ... (SoCS 2020) (Table of Contents)
CALL FOR PAPERS: SoCS 2020 - University of Huddersfield
The SoCS series of symposia aims to bring together researchers from these different communities to exchange ideas and to cross-fertilise the field. In 2020, SoCS is co-located with the 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2020).
Organising a Successful AI Online Conference: Lessons from SoCS 2020
2020年6月22日 · The 13th Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS) was held May 26-28, 2020. Originally scheduled to take place in Vienna, Austria, the symposium pivoted toward a fully online technical program in...
SOCS 2020 - IRIF
This meeting will take place on December 10th and 11th 2020. There will be two introductory courses of 1h30 each, given by Dominique Manchon (combinatorics) and Samuel Mimram (semantics). There will be also 9 talks of 40 minutes each. Click on the titles below to get the astracts, and click on to get the slides, when they are available.
Organising a Successful AI Online Conference: Lessons from SoCS 2020 ...
As an in-person event SoCS offers participants a diverse array of scholarly activities including technical talks (long and short), poster sessions, plenary sessions, a community meeting and, new for 2020, a Master Class tutorial program. This …