Selection, Optimization, and Compensation | Encyclopedia.com
Selection, optimization, and compensation are thought to advance the maximization of gains and minimization of losses associated with aging, thus promoting successful development and aging. There are a number of basic assumptions underlying the use of the SOC model as a model of successful aging.
The Model of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation
2019年5月16日 · The model of selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) was introduced by Paul and Margret Baltes . Conceived as a meta-model of developmental processes applicable to different domains and levels of functioning, the SOC model is often applied in life-span developmental research, particularly among older adults, using an action-theoretical ...
Self-Regulatory Strategies in Daily Life: Selection, Optimization, …
SOC theory does not directly articulate aspects of metaregulation, which is a process for matching goals with opportunities to facilitate optimal development. The SOC model suggests that goal engagement and disengagement become progressively more adaptive with age, even though resources may become more limited ( Jopp & Smith, 2006 ; Wrosch ...
Sociological Theory - SAGE Journals
2025年2月18日 · Sociological Theory publishes work in all areas of theory, including new substantive theories, history of theory, metatheory, formal theory construction, and synthetic contributions. Peer reviewed and published quarterly, Sociological Theory is … | View full journal description. Articles most recently published online for this journal.
(PDF) The Selection, Optimization, and Compensation
2016年3月7日 · SOC theory proposes that employees will select goals that are valuable to them, optimize their resources to achieve these selected goals, and compensate for resource loss due to ageing by...
Selection, optimization, and compensation strategies: Interactive ...
2015年4月1日 · The theory of selective optimization with compensation (SOC) proposes that the “orchestrated” use of three distinct action regulation strategies (selection, optimization, and compensation) leads to positive employee outcomes.
Selection, Optimization, and Compensation at Work in ... - Springer
2017年1月1日 · The model of selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) encompasses three processes of action regulation in respect to successful aging and life-management: Selection refers to the setting and prioritization of goals, based on personal motives and preferences (elective selection) or due to perceived loss of internal or contextual resources ...
Frontiers | Exploring the Use of Selection, Optimization, and ...
2022年2月9日 · Based on 23 semi-structured interviews with senior employees and immediate managers at two hospitals (nurses), and two dairies (skilled/unskilled workers), we explore which specific SOC strategies are used at each level and reflect on the applicability of broadening the perspective of the SOC model when applying it to a work context.
Selective Optimization With Compensation - A Simplified …
Selective Optimization With Compensation (SOC) is a psychological theory that explains the adaptive process individuals employ to maintain or enhance their psychological well-being and performance in the face of age-related changes or functional declines.
The orchestration of selection, optimization and compensation: An ...
They first address three basic assumptions of lifespan developmental psychology underlying selective optimization with compensation (SOC)-theory, namely the limitation of resources such as time and energy across the entire life span, multidirectionality and multifunctionality of development, and development as a dynamic interaction of person ...