Drop pod - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
These kinds of logistics pods include both smaller dropship-carried ordnance pods and larger SOEIV/HEV-style orbital insertion pods. Regular drop pods are equipped with a cache of extra weapons, ammunition, and other supplies; once landed, it's the ODST's job to strip their pod of supplies and then haul them to a newly-established Forward ...
M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle
The M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle is a SOIEV variant employed by the ODSTs. It was heavily employed during the Human-Covenant War. [3] The M8900 has an angular design, featuring an armoured prow and several small armoured windows.
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle - Halo Alpha
The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (SOEIV), informally referred to as the Human Entry Vehicle and drop pod and also known as the Egg, is a small pod used by the United Nations Space Command to deploy an individual and his equipment from high orbit to the surface.
【HALO载具频道】SOEIV单兵大气层外突入载具 —— 踏入地狱!
在标准的soeiv座舱中,地狱伞兵坐在一张只有简单惯性阻尼器和缓冲功能的防撞网内。 地狱伞兵可通过简单的操控来调节空降舱的航程,专家系统则指挥空降舱的下降和规避动作。
单兵外大气层空降载具 (SOEIV),或者可以称为人员突入载具 (HEV),非正式情况被称为空投舱,还被嘲讽的叫做鸡蛋,是一种UNSC用于从高轨道向地面部署人员的小型空降舱。 单兵外大气层空降载具由乌斯怀亚军械库生产,一般由轨道上的海军舰艇发射并降落到敌后指定地点,进入大气层时单兵外大气层空降载具会快速减速,另外SOEIV一般都是由UNSC海军陆战队的ODST部队使用。 单兵外大气层空降载具外观棱角分明,但是大小规格并不统一,其内部有座椅,通讯设备,不 …
撫慰娘的外文翻譯區:HEV ( 完成 ) - ggghalo5的創作 - 巴哈姆特
2013年7月16日 · The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle ( 簡稱SOEIV ),單人用突入大氣層運輸工具,也被稱呼為Human Entry Vehicle ( 簡稱HEV )、掉落的豆莢或 " 蛋 ",是UNSC從軌道上用來部屬單人部隊和其裝備至地面的工具
【HALO宇宙指南】行星轨道空降部队 —— 率先踏入地狱 - 哔哩哔哩
单兵外大气层突入空降舱(soeiv)是一种泪滴状的空降舱,由陶瓷装甲外壳保护。 它是ODST使用的标志性设备,以空投时的危险性和高温特性而闻名,因此第105空降师获得了“地狱空降兵”的绰号。
死从天降----ODST空降舱 - 哔哩哔哩
单人大气层内突入载具(SOEIV),也被戏称为空降仓或是蛋蛋(也可称为大蛋)。 这是一种乌斯怀亚军工厂制造并由UNSC使用用于从高轨道部署至地面的小型飞行器。 SOEIV通常会从轨道上的海军舰艇上发射,直接飞向位于敌后的特殊地点进行部署。 进入大气之后,SOEIV会通过空气制动与反推火箭进行减速以免过大的撞击摧毁SOEIV。 这些空降舱通常由海军陆战队的ODST们所使用。 但是有时地狱使者(The Hellbringers)部队也会使用SOEIV进行空投. 概况. 设计细节. …
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle
The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (SOEIV), informally known as the drop pod, is a class of Human Entry Vehicle used by the United Nations Space Command to rapidly deploy individual soldiers from orbit to a planetary surface.
M9407 Single Occupant Independent Entry Vehicle - Halopedia
As such, the M9407 SOEIV is a modern drop pod design that incorporates a number of improvements over its M8823 and M8900 forebears. These include more reliable in-flight communications, limited inertial compensation, compatability with gravitic-assist launch tubes and significantly improved structural integrity.