SENSIFEEL SOFT TA AS - Sensient Beauty
Soft and dewy feel / Smooth application in compact formulas High oil absorption capacity / Mattifying effect
Sensifeel® Soft TA by SENSIENT BEAUTY - Personal Care
Sensifeel® Soft TA is a shiny, natural, inorganic, transparent powder. It has good spreadability that leaves a soft and dewy feel. The smooth application in compact formulas is ideal for many personal care applications. It yields high oil absorption capacity and a mattifying effect.
BIO-SOFT® TA-2 - Stepan Company
BIO-SOFT TA-2 is a nonionic surfactant providing wetting, foam, emulsification and corrosion inhibition and functions primarily as an acid thickener. It finds application in cleaners used on vertical surfaces such as toilet bowls, dairy, brewery and food processing equipment.
DKSH公司提供的Biosoft TA-2 -- 家用, 機構用和工業用清潔劑
BIO-SOFT TA-2 is a nonionic surfactant providing wetting, foam, emulsification and corrosion inhibition and functions primarily as an acid thickener. It finds application in cleaners used on vertical surfaces such as toilet bowls, dairy, brewery and food processing equipment.
Acid cleaners thickened with BIO-SOFT TA-2 are clear, viscosity stable and prone to splash less. They provide good surface cling, prolong contact time and improve cleaning. BIO-SOFT TA-2 is ideal for cleaners used on vertical surfaces, such as vehicles, toilet bowls, and dairy, brewery and food processing equipment.
Charge Water and dissolve Citric Acid. With good agitation, slowly blend in BIO-SOFT® EC-690, followed by BIO-SOFT® TA-2. Add Sodium Chloride. Blend until homogeneous. Use as-is from a squirt bottle. Marketing Notes: “Bio-renewable resources” is defined by Stepan as originating from animal, plant, or marine materials.
BIO-SOFT® TA-2 by Stepan/Tebras - Personal Care & Cosmetics
Acid cleaners thickened with BIO-SOFT® TA-2 are clear, viscosity stable and prone to splash less. They provide good surface cling, prolong contact time and improve cleaning. It is ideal for cleaners used on vertical surfaces, such as vehicles, toilet bowls, and dairy, brewery and food processing equipment.
旨在替代滑石粉的感觉粉 - Sensient Beauty
2022年9月26日 · 滑石粉在化妆品和其他个人护理产品中有许多用途。 例如,它可以用来吸收水分,防止结块,使面部化妆不透明,或改善产品的感觉。 早在20世纪60年代发表的科学文献表明,在生殖器部位使用含有滑石粉的粉末与卵巢癌的发病率之间可能存在关联。 然而,这些研究并没有最终证明这种联系,或者如果存在这种联系,可能涉及哪些风险因素*。 然而,在美国,与含滑石产品有关的法律诉讼一直在增加。 这些法律诉讼大多与滑石产品中的石棉含量有关,这与 …
BIO‐SOFT® TA‐2, Tallow Amine Ethoxylate - ULBox
BIO‐SOFT® TA‐2. INCI & Tgas: Tallow Amine Ethoxylate. 酸性增稠劑,酸性清潔劑用 TA‐2 增稠後呈透明、黏度穩定且可幫助減少噴濺的危險、 並提供良好的表面黏著性、延長接觸時間及增強清潔效果。
Mineral sensory powders designed as alternatives to Talc in cosmetic applications. The Sensifeel line is ethically sourced from the coastal plains of the southeastern Unites States, and its unique processing and milling yields products well pressed/loose powders and tinted moisturizers.