这是本座目前看到过的最为奇葩的做游戏方式与团队 - 知乎
导语: 奇葩的组队、奇葩的做游戏模式、奇葩的发行……更奇葩的是,他们还有着为数众多的粉丝呢! 给我3美元,一个月帮 ...
Sokpop Collective - homepage
video game collective ... ...
Sokpop Collective - itch.io
A village builder where you stack cards to collect food, build structures, and fight creatures
Steam Developer: sokpop
2022年4月8日 · Video game boyband from the future. We make a lot of games. Already released more than 100 games! We made Simmiland, Bernband, Bamboo EP, Soko Loco and many …
袜子社的游戏合集(大概 - 哔哩哔哩
Sokpop Collective | Creating another 100 videogames - Patreon
Creating another 100 videogames. the most recent Sokpop game (itch.io + Steam) 1 bonus old Sokpop game every month (itch.io + Steam)
Sokpop Collective - Wikipedia
Sokpop Collective, also known as simply Sokpop (Dutch for "sock puppet"), is an independent video game development studio located in Utrecht, The Netherlands.The studio was founded …
在Patreon上历时一年的Sokpop游戏订阅 | 中英双字 | 策
室内设计和环境美术:掌握空间,掌握场所 | 中英双字 | 美 | gdc2015
这个气氛打造绝了,最后的BGM和色调塑造气氛实在是太棒了,我吹爆SOKPOP!!!!! 2020的夏促打折季我买了SOKPOP家的游戏大礼包,成功喜加60多个游戏,我决定在慢慢享 …
Home - Sokpo
SOKPO werkt sinds 1999 samen met de Ashanti School for the Deaf in Jamasi die in 2017 zijn 40-jarig bestaan heeft gevierd. De school heeft 600 leerlingen en 100 man personeel waarvan …